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Grim O'Grady

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Everything posted by Grim O'Grady

  1. I saw Pogba play at Spartans but I'd rather chop off my right peg than wear that trafford shirt. G-Bore
  2. I could have played that ball with all that time, now come on Southampton. G-Bo(re)
  3. Been a bit shite as well, why the f**k did nobody trek shrek for that ball. Let's hope it livens up in the 2nd 1/2. G-Bo(re)
  4. No it probably is a wee square lump of metal now. G-Bo(re)
  5. I past my driving test first time btw. G-Bo(re)
  6. I've not had a pug since 1994, I got shut of it after an incident with a cunto cyclist. Funnily enough I now ride a bicycle. Also I would have done the forward roll on that fall & bounced up like an Olympian. G-Bo(re)
  7. wish I'd done a pull poll now, damn shame it's too late (says my imaginary friend - this time). G-Bo(re)
  8. Sorry Rab, I can't be all things to all men. Besides if you read the post I was asking "for a friend", the homophobic b*****d, I've deleted him from my (ever decreasing) circle now, hope that makes you gay? G-Bo(re)
  9. If you had to go on the run, not a miserly 24 hr stint but say a full blown 3 months but you found a decent hidey-hole with 3 months supply of food & water but nowt else to read but 1 gay tug book, would you try & crack one off to it out of curiosity, asks a friend? G-Bo(re)
  10. Just been informed that the wee lass in this video now works at B&M bargains down the road from me. G-Bo(re)
  11. You know Iceland sell 'em frozen like, so if you are ok with your oven you can have one anytime (well within 30 min) if you stock up your freezer? Happy shopper here to help. G-Bo(re)
  12. Gran am I proving my worthiness for the Simpleton 4 here but what is the significance of the "brown jerseys"? G-Bo(re)
  13. Bun-he you never wahch Blue Peher? They could make a 4" pipe reach the moon. Wan-Ker
  14. Andy Murray's serve is based on fracking, he bounces the ball to the ultimate fracking bang. (technical term required). Wan-Ker
  15. Don't let your mam know, how embarrassing will it be for you, if she turns up at Div's & demands you be taken out of the simpletons & put up into a higher grade, simpleton+ or something? Best just stick with us caterpillocks & hope one day to turn in to a buttyfly. G-Bo(re) 11+ failure.
  16. The pet cat name "Tiddles" originated back in biblical times, Noah of Arc fame to be specific. Once he'd finished the Arc he had a bit of time & wood & bits left over so he made a few luxury items for the arc, one such luxury item was an aquarium, it was a nice touch but he hadn't foreseen that his pet cat would treat it as an all you can eat buffet until one morning he saw the aquarium empty & a dozing fat cat besides it. "Where's all my tiddlers gone?", cried Noah. Then he noticed the cat & from whence on all cats in the Noah Archold were known as Tiddles. G-Bo(re)
  17. You greeted to say "do not reply to me, ever again", so it goes that every time you dot I reply. I was giving you a way out. Welcome to the Simpleton Club. G-Bo(re)
  18. I see none of the 4 accused are refuting it either. G-Bo(re)
  19. I can say Bunty like Frank Sidebottom. G-Bo(re)
  20. DI, have you ever investigated Mozza Mozza on Facebook? The 1st couple are the stuff Throbs sock was made for. So my friend told me. G-Bo(re)
  21. Rocky, you ok pal, are you hungry or something, you are biting a lot? G-Bo(re)
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