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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. I wish Booker T would stop taking coke before every show.
  2. For f**k sake. I would love if Santino entered the chamber completely serious and kicked some arse.
  3. I do know he's shaved the beard and cut the hair. No idea about his return.
  4. Any womens match involving Beth tends to be pretty good.
  5. Never noticed who the camerman was....But Corey Graves is covered in tatts if that helps identify him.
  6. Thank f**k for Punk kicking out!! Anyone but Miz
  7. Psst....Kofi should take Chamber flying lessons from Test.....if he wasn't dead.
  8. Cole said a few minutes ago that you can only pin them in the ring.
  9. Have the rules changed? Didn't you used to eb allowed to pin them outside the ring on the steel?
  10. I remember Kofi used to be Jamaican.....then Ghanain.
  11. 10 years since the first Chamber....f**k me I feel old. Raw Chamber first? So a surprise entrant/winner of the SD one? Or Sheamus to get involved?
  12. f**k off Anyway, let's go Beth/Cena/Bryan/Punk!!!!
  13. My link I usually use this for Box Office PPV's and it's usually decent.
  14. Who we got staying up for the PPV? On paper it's nothing special, but for some reason, I'm really looking forward to this one.
  15. Tuesday's SuperSmackDown LIVE! will air live in the United Kingdom at 1:00 a.m. on Sky Sports 3.
  16. I'm guessing you haven't watched him, especially the past 3/4 weeks?
  17. CM Punk and Chris Jericho have kept their feud going on Twitter. Punk wrote: "CHAMBEEEEEEER! There will be blood, then a doctor will stop the blood, then there will not be any blood anymore. Bloodbloodbloodbloodblood" Jericho replied: "@CMPunk Everything is a joke to you isn't it wannabe? Well laugh it up fuzzball, your party ends tomorrow in the #chamber..." Things bubbling up nicely, I looking forward to both Chamber matches now.
  18. In continuing the ongoing theme of this thread, I just went to check on Madison and she currently has a fever, probably due to the fact that she's teething, but I shall keep an eye on her until the morning.
  19. Yes, he won the Rumble a month ago and he's done f**k all since then. He's the Rumble winner heading for a title shot at Mania, start setting it up, Mania is 6 weeks away, if they don't start building it up, like they have with Punk/Jericho, then nobody will give a shit.
  20. Thinking about it, it;s scary the improvement in McIntyre since he debuted aTV for WWE however many years ago it was. I'd have liked to have seen him in the Chamber tomorrow/tonight, I hope they give him something decent soon. I managed to avoid Smackdown spoilers, so the ending for me was superb. I hope they give Santino a fair crack on Sunday, he deserves it, he's a guy who's willing to do anything, litterally whatever he's asked to do he does, no matter how daft it is. I hope they give him an elimination before his inevitible demise.
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