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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Just what the world needs....a ginger Goldberg. I actually like Pope, or I did the last time I watched. Sean O'Haire? So why not just make the limit just above whatever Joe is? Surely Abyss weighs more? I'd even go as far as to say get Joe, Daniels and AJ back in the XD if they're doing nothing with them. I've been thinking about giving it a watch again after reading in a few places that it improved. What is their current main event scene?
  2. The TNA Goldberg? I always liked him. He can wrestle, well for a big guy. In ECW he could get heat like nobody I've seen since, is he likely to stay so high up? So why are they even in this? Surely the obvious way to go is have Devon turn heel (I assume he's a face) and bring back Reverend Devon and put him WITH Pope? Aw f**k I remember them, I don't know which one he was, but they were pretty shit as a tag team. It's about time they realise that he deserves to be at the top rather than the guy they turn to when they try pushing some other guy unsuccessfully and need him to come in and take over. Sounds like an utter waste of talent to me. I hope he comes to WWE at some point, surely he'd be better being a mid-carder in WWE than in TNA. I'd love to see heel Samoa Joe in SmackDown right now.
  3. I've not watched TNA in about a year, but I just saw the Bound for Glory standings or whatever it's called. And I have to say it is quite baffling to me. * Crimson - 50 points -Who? * Bully Ray - 42 points - To main event BFG? Um no. * Robert Roode - 35 points - Aren't these 2 a tag team anymore? * James Storm - 33 points - See above. * Brother Devon - 30 points - See Bully Ray. * Gunner - 28 points - Who? * AJ Styles - 24 points - The gys above him must be fucking amazing at the moment. * Scott Steiner - 21 points - The f**k is he doing in it? * The Pope - 17 points - Just no. * Rob Van Dam - 15 points - Last time I watched he was champ, now he's nd bottom of this. * Samoa Joe - negative 10 points - -10? Is he in the dog house? Is he leaving for WWE? Is he being punished? The only 2 I'd let anywhere near the top are AJ or Roode, ganted I've never saw Crimson or Gunner, but they must be fucking amazing?
  4. wha TBH I'd be quite pissed if someone failed to stick to it. If they gave even they slightest f**k they will stick to it.
  5. That's my point. It's a southern based company...so take it on the road across the south. I reckon they'd get good crowds in the Virginias, Carolinas, Georgia, Forida, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky and Louisiana. It's no use doing shows ust for tourists in Orlando.
  6. They need to take Impact on the road across the south. Not to the arenas, like they tried to do when they take PPV's on the road.....small halls, with people who want to be there.
  7. TNA is atrocious. I watched it every week, whether it was good or bad the week before, like I do with RAW, but it just got to a stage where it was so bad I couldn't bare to. Aye I can imagine the scene right now. "Whit? You're charging now? Aye I'll go, sounds much better than when you used to get in for free, let's sell this bitch out!!!" In all seriousness though, the crowd seem dead because they literally have no clue what the f**k is going on half the time. I went to Impact about two years ago, and they didn't record episodes in chronological order. Sting was cutting a promo back stage which was shown on the tron and someone was champ....about an hour later Sting comes out with the title and gets announced as world champion Once I got home and watched the episode I went to, it showed you a tonne of backstage stuff that was never shown at the time. They really don't help themselves. Just show the crowd exactly what the world is going to see and the crowd will pop, rather than sitting on their arses looking at each other thinking "What the f**k is going on? This doesn't even make sense."
  8. Fairly in the sense that a MITB can cash in at any time and it is accepted. Thats the point in MITB. To save fucking it up for anyone:
  9. To me it just doesn't work. Under what circumstances would you go after the guy who won the title fairly and just forget about the guy who cost you it in the first place? I'll give you that one. I can understand why Punk forgets about Del Rio. He's cashed in MITB twice nd understands that it's fair game, instead he goes after the one guy who screwed him and the people who instructed him to do so. This one is alot easier to believe. At this stage there are still a million differetn directions it can go. But I can almost guarantee you that HHH will win the feud. Punk will take out Nash within a couple of weeks. HHH will bring in various other "contacts" who Punk will probably take out...but Punk will ultimately loose rendering this whole thing completely and utterly pointless. Yes it has given us the best 2 months of wrestling oin years, but I can't see the heel authority figure loosing against the first guy that opposes him. I'd like to be wrong. I'd love to see this feud go all the way to Mania at least where Punk puts it to bed in a match with HHH. I disagree with taking the title off Punk, but having him involved in promos with Nash can only be a good thing. Their segment the other night was superb, hopefully they have 3-way segments with Nash/Punk/HHH for many weeks to come. They can still save the whole thing and make it amazing, but the way I predict it going is far from the desired outcome. I know but it rarely ran anymore than 4.05am....but the past 2 months or so it has went all the way to 4.15am.
  10. So Punk and Cena just move on? Cena goes after Del Rio and he blames Del Rio for cashing in....completely forgetting that HHH cheated him, costing him the title? And Punk just forgets all about ADR? Leaves the WWE title and tries to find out who sent for Nash? I may be judging things way too early, but this looks remarablly like they are about to make a right rip roaring c**t of the best story they have had in years. Hopefully they tie all the loose ends together in the coming weeks, and whatever they decide makes sense.
  11. Nae it's no went off until nearly 4.15 the past 3/4 weeks.
  12. The Intanetz would explode. Is there a reason why there is a guy front row dressed as Del Rio, fully equipt with scarf and WWE title?
  13. Mysterio is injured is he not? Maybe needing time off? He probably won't win tonight.
  14. Which would be insane as itr would mean since MITB ONE month ago we've had: Cena > Punk > Mysterio > Cena/Punk > Punk > Del Rio > Mysterio It'd be the 6th title change in a month
  15. That Punk/Nash promo was pretty damn good.
  16. Does Kings insistance that he doesn't trust HHH mean that it wasn't actually HHH who brought in Nash? So I'm Guessing that it's Del Rio or Stephanie. EDIT: Or Vince
  17. He sorted Nassh out with SummerSlam tickets, but had no idea what he was gona do. He doesnt blame ADR for cashing in as thats oart and parcel of MITB. He's going to apologise to Cena for fucking up. He introduced Del Rio,
  18. If this hadn't followed what they gave us last month people would be going on about how good it actually was. It was never going to top MITB, but it was a great match. Something about it just didn't click for me. I mean it was good, but it was slow as f**k and eventually got a bot boring. Then there was the finish...I hate Orton almost as much as I hate Cena. It's the same old shite, he looses and then wins it back in less than a month. PISH!!! Not terrible, but I thought it was the worst match of the night I thought. As good a big man match as I've seen in a while... hopefully Henry gets pushed as a top heel on SD and gets a title shot. Beth is by far my favourite, as gay as this sounds, I was gutted she didn't win the title. RAW tonight is now a must watch, even if it's just to see what the f**k is going on. I'm surprised his knees survived the huge cimb over the guard rail.
  19. One of the most weird, random things I've seen in a good while.Two of my mates came over to watch it, one of them looked away and me and my other mate just looked at each other to say "Did I just see Kevin fucking Nash climb that guard rail?" I can only think of a few explanations; 1) HHH/Stephanie hired Nash to take care of Punk or 2) Del Rio has Nash as his bodyguard The WWE title is becoming a bit of a joke tbh. Since MITB there have been FIVE title changes in ONE MONTH. However, with the whole run in, they must have big plans for the Punk/HHH feud. The match itself was a cracker I thought, excelent match, nothing compared to MITB, but it was never going to be, but I still though it was a great match. But what does Cena do now after being screwed by HHH and now Nash has screwed Punk? So tonights match on RAW is a 4 way for the title? Rey gets a shot at the champ.......Cena is due a rematch after losing to Punk and Punk is due a rematch after loosing to ADR? Baffling, but that is exactly what the want, guaranteed huge numbers will tune in tonight. The finish to Sheamus/Henry was brutal...I pished myself at the wee security guy going flying and the guy on the right who looked utterly shocked. I thought Orton/Christian was pretty boring for the most part to be honest. A bit meh. Absolutely no need for Edge to come back. He's barely just left FFS On a side note, that Divas match was one of the best matches of the night. And finally, that commentary last night was as bad a commentary as I've ever heard. Why no JR? Cole ruined it woth his shite input again, but even more annoying. Booker with his loud, weird noises fono reason and naming almost every single move wrong just ruined it.
  20. Had the wee one at a family wedding yesterday, her proud dad was showing her off like a school boy with a shiny new toy.
  21. Am I the only one who found the "new" Sin Cara far less boring than the old one?
  22. This is the pic of the "new" Sin Cara that I saw. http://twitpic.com/63qpjk Shite pic but still looks similar size to me.
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