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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. The Rhino gimmick for me was jus awesome...thye way they had him just ripping through people. He was so intense and psychotic.
  2. ECW Rhino is easily one of my top 5 favourite heels of all time. And Big Sexay is always the man....but with that leather jacket....nobodys safe .
  3. There was a period where I thought TNA were doing an extra episode of iMPACT a week and I didn't know. Eric Young was a heel and leader of World Elite a few weeks ago....now World Elite disnae exist and Young is a face. Same can be said for Rob Terry, Rhino, MCMG and that guy wi the massive mohawk.
  4. Some of the matches in TNA do my head in too...like Ultimate X, King if the Mountain and that weird lookin one they had on January 4th....the big red fucker that you couldnae see into.
  5. TNA reminds me of the original ECW. A blend of excellent wrestling a crap. Ecw had some awesome wrestlers and also had what Stone Cold described as "violent crap". TNA can have amazing matches but it too often focuses on gimmicky crap...but f**k it, thats not gona stop me watchin AJ, Beer Money, MCMG etc. etc.
  6. If you cannae be arsed with the stupid pish on RAW well thats what Smackdown is for and ECW before they got rid of it
  7. Deep down we all know that Taker and HBK can't beat what they did last year...but this match is WrestleMania for me this year, I'm not particularly bothered by anything else compared to this one. I jus love the whole video,it's one of the best ones I can remember in a long, long time. I love the song they used for it too...it just fits so well with HBK's character the past few weeks.
  8. This has me buying WrestleMania before I even know half the card: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=tn_rRO87n88 Am I the only one who thinks this is a phenomenal promo video?
  9. While WWE revealed a few more details regarding the format of NXT on last night's show, they have still yet to make an official mention of what the winner of season one receives. There have been several ideas thrown around such as the first place guy getting a RAW deal and the second place guy getting a SmackDown spot but that idea didn't come across too well. There is talk also of having something along the lines of two winners, putting them on each brand as a way of not burying one of the brands. Talk about shitting on Smackdown....thats an awful idea. They should have the winner choosing which brand they want to wrestle on and have the runner up go straight into the opposite one. Also if they want to find the next star then why not allow the fans to vote for the winner.
  10. He came out the other week dressed like Ian Poulter...then he came out in some pink, Ned t-shirt and then he comes out as the camp biker from hell on Monday....What happened to slick Dave?
  11. Well I'm not one for making accusations...but what kind of a man gets a belly button tattoo?
  12. I think Batista was at the same point as Edge before he got injured. Thye had played their characters for so long that they went stale. Edge has come back and turned face and it's worked. Batistas character was crying out for a change and so far so good. On the issue of what he was wearing...since the heel turn his attire has been getting camper and camper. I'm predicting one day he will hit the ring in assless chaps or something.
  13. Much like Cena, Batista is far from being my favourite wrestler, but more often than not I'm entertained. I have to agree though that his promo last night was phenomenal. I like the direction in which they have taken the Batista character over the past month or so. I'm also thinking what Doms thinking. I'm guessing A handicap on RAW with Rhodes turning on DiBiase. The sooner Laegacy is over the sooner Big Ted can start his step to the top and drop that chunt Cody like a sack of totties.
  14. Finally Norman Smiley might take his place in the Hall of Fame.
  15. It just a shame Cena cannae cut a promo . Seriously though, the two have got me ready for Mania already. I also enjoyed the opening segment. It would appear to me that it is too late with Orton...he IS a face as highlightes when him and DiBiase traded punches.
  16. No I remember that match...but for some reason I have it in my head that he received a title shot another time...I must be talking pish .
  17. WWE released their full pay-per-view calendar for the rest of 2010 to media partners this past week and the most notable change from what we've seen is the May pay-per-view titled Wild Card has been changed to WWE Over The Limit. Survivor Series is still being advertised for November but it's expected that name will be changed but not confirmed. Surprisingly not named after a type of match. I see WrestleMania has been changed to One on One Singles Math
  18. They used to have a lot of lower mid carders getting title shots back in the day. the mentioned ones, Rios, Taka, Jeff. I also recall Crash Holly vs Triple H and didn't Hurricane get a title shot atpoint or am I talkin pish?
  19. I wonder what we can take from this. It doesn't take place until April 25th, after Mania.
  20. Remember at his peak. When he came out every week as a different WWE character...ah those were the days.
  21. You can add referee Scott Armstrong, son of legend Bob Armstrong, to that list as his release is also confirmed. A number of people in WWE are bummed about Armstrong being let go from the company because he was well liked by the wrestlers . A referee? Jesus Christ, things must be getting desparate.
  22. It's an English promotion, running out of Doncaster. They have quite alot of ex WWE,WCW and ECW guys. They used to have alot of TNA guys too. In fact I think I've seen most of the top TNA guys down at 1PW. They've had guys like Abyss, AJ, Daniels, Joe, Doug Williams, Nigel McGuinness, Ric Flair, Steve Corino, RVD, Bret Hart, 2 Cold Scorpio, Goldust, Raven, Christian, Kurt.
  23. Well I've been to a fair few wrestling shows but to be honest, the 1PW crowd are my least favourite. Biggest bunch of arseholes I've ever seen . They almost make me not want to go.
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