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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. The signings we have made this summer have been fucking terrible. If Stewart, Kirkpatrick and Reilly have you excited for the season ahead then more power to you. But let's be honest Gavin Reilly is absolutely shite.  He's scored something like 5 goals in 2 years.

    Many tipped us to do well based on the end of last season.

    We've lost O'Brien, Mallan and Loy from that team and replaced them with shite.

    Will be very surprised if we're anywhere near the play offs.

  2. The DR has a piece about Dundee's interest and Saints telling them to forget it. Gordon Parks then wrote "Ross is keen to speak to the club where he spent time as a player at the start of his career - and would make Dunfermline youth coach John Potter part of a new Dens Park backroom team."

    Of course, there are absolutely no quotes to back this up so it's completely unsubstantiated at this point.

  3. The tag title and Roode vs Nakamura were both brilliant.

    Tag match is the best I've seen since DIY took the titles from Revival.

    The NXT tag division is the best thing about it.

  4. Seems Ray had a wee dig at Craig after Saturday, Then when questioned on why he did  it he brought up the twitter exchange they had 2 years ago. Apparently Ray set up a Just Giving or Go Fund Me page to go and train at Tristar, Craig took umbrage and told him to get a job and the twitter war erupted from there. Pretty petty stuff TBH.

  5. 1 hour ago, Fisherman said:



    I agree with most of that, it definitely doesn't look good and probably would be better if it hadn't been brought up again. Don't agree with the go fund me thing though, I don't see a problem with that, nobody is forcing anyone to give him money, will probably be friendsave and family that were helping him out. Not easy having a wife, kids, house etc and still have enough to pay for top class training in a different country.

    It's worked out well for him if you look at in now whereas Craig has stayed here, kept a full time job and maybe won't do as well in the UFC.



    99% of pro MMA fighters in this country hold a job as well as train full time I would reckon.

    I do tend to notice Stevie Ray almost begging on social media which is very cringey.

    But for Craig to go public with it is a dickhead move.

    I did notice Craig has spoken well of Stevie Ray in terms of his actual fights. What makes Ray seem like a w**k is the fact that he has waited for Craig to lose a fight to have a go at him.

    Two Scots who we should be getting behind acting like teenage girls on the internet. Embarrassing really.

  6. 8 hours ago, Fisherman said:

    Aye but it got brought up after Craig got beat the other night, Ray sticking the knife in, giving absolutely no fucks.

    It's really put me off Craig tbh, he was taking the piss out of Ray for having a go fund me page to help with costs for travelling to Tristar.

    Having a Go Fund Me to train MMA is a bit shite though. I always thought it was for actual charitible causes.

    That whole Twitter thread makes the two of them look like idiots TBH.

    If they want the UFC to keep coming back to Scotland they'd be as well just keeping their mouths shut. They're not setting up a fight or anything. Constantly having a go at each other, especially when either loses, makes the two of them look like dicks. 

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