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Everything posted by mjw

  1. We must be the only people interested in her beach wear because her company is losing a fortune.
  2. 13 of those 30 years he was in a government that could have repealed any anti union law they fancied.
  3. They've investigated the Clinton's for 25 years and they got Bill for a blowjob. Oh Billary.
  4. Reports that has anything between 10-15 phones in the White House. He's going to tweet himself to impeachment.
  5. You'd want your lawyer to know the difference between pled and pleaded,wouldn't you?
  6. Sorting out their children's/grand children's inheritances for when they crash everything round about them.
  7. I'm not actually sure how you even slithered back on here. Hopefully Trump comes to Scotland and you get put on duty at his toilet door.
  8. I wouldn't let you back in if you left either.
  9. Surely someone who admits to trolling is a troll?
  10. The 25th Amendment does. That will only happen once they've repealed Obamacare and fiddled the tax for their rich donors. Even then,you're talking about people who think you can have consensual sex with a fourteen year old having to make this decision. Its doubtful.
  11. Got handed some time out from the site for trying to win a match thread with child abuse posts.
  12. Banana and his homophobic online friend to tell us this is normal. CNN journalists have died covering stories. President Draft Dodger might get hit with a golf ball.
  13. Have they not sent Brazil to Oz to cover the ashes?
  14. Joey Barton will have that effect on someone. For a journalist though Parry can hardly put a sentence together.
  15. Well this is taking my mind off my team losing to Craig Thomsons Celtic. Thanks lads.
  16. But I definitely know what it was about even though I didn't read it.
  17. Someone's posted trumpets twitter. He goes on a rant about Time at the same time every year.
  18. Are those massive glasses or has he got a pea size head?
  19. We've struck gold with Les when you see some of the scumbags involved in the game. He might have ruffled a few feathers with his straight talking at times but the changes at the club since he became involved are unbelievable.
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