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Everything posted by mjw

  1. One judge authorised the surveillance and three more reauthorised it. That's a lot of judges being fooled/corrupted by a dodgy dossier.
  2. Could be down to Salmond no longer being the face of independence.
  3. Bigliest viewing figures ever for a sotu address he claims. It wasn't.
  4. Like a Sunday Xl who've all been out all night.
  5. It's south Lanarkshire ya dick [emoji6]
  6. Lord Forsyth absolutely raging on Scotland tonight because devolution has taken away Westminsters ability to decide things for the UK. He's debating with a Lib Dem but can't stop SNPbadding.
  7. Is there a no win no fee lawyer out there who deals with nutters off P&B? It's usually Celtic fans who've got their own go to legal eagle .
  8. Should that not be Labour instead of Scotland?
  9. Seems Piers 'ran out of time to mention Russia ' A shame he pissed some of his time away talking about Arsenal.
  10. Some of the 30+ stone contestants on those Fit club tv shows used to have some incredible numbers in their first few weeks.
  11. Piers Morgan secures an exclusive interview with his pal to be shown on his morning show. Not so much Frost/Nixon as c**t/c**t.
  12. mjw


    The way they are going the whole membership will get a couple of weeks at doing it.
  13. mjw


    Fucking hell Follow the comments on that down to the 'nazi' conversation.
  14. Heard that Bowman came home with a virus. Must have been down at Veronica's.
  15. Aldis or Lidl for chicken and turkey is where I go. My local butcher does 'fitness packs' as well.
  16. September 2013 and Trump is on Fox and friends calling for Obama to be fired if the government shuts down. Fast forward and it's the Dems fault this time.
  17. That's how we ended up with an unpopular law in the first place. Our whole game is sold on two sides who have no interest in tackling bigotry and a ruling body who are petrified of them.
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