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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Its brought you out from under your rock so there might be something in it.
  2. Galloway doesn't do to badly out of the media over here. f**k sake he was on Daily Politics talking about the sex scandal which was interesting given his past comments on sex.
  3. That was brought up in general politics. This isn't an either or thing. You can be critical of more than one thing at a time.
  4. Its still breibart though. The organisation of Bannon,Milo and all the rest of the master race.
  5. You've probably just described the vast majority of games where Motherwell beat either of those two. If we do win the cup we'll need the same circumstances to be repeated. Well have to ride our luck and hope they (like rangers) have an off day in front of goal.
  6. The propaganda when they claimed the white helmets in Syria were working for Al Qaeda might be a good place to start.
  7. Life lessons from the oldest troll on this forum. Funny.
  8. Breitbart ffs. They are currently defending a guy in America who is accused of tampering with a 14 yr old. No surprise then it's on her heehaws reading list.
  9. Is the one man show and radio program not paying enough? If his life is just about creating seethe then its a sad way for a guy like him to end up.
  10. Its OK.... This defense of Roy Moore from AL state Auditor Jim Ziegler: "Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.” ...because bible.
  11. Crikey. Mind we were in relegation battles and fucked out the cup in August? Those were the days.
  12. The PM put her hard day behind her last night and headed off to a Dinner to celebrate Paul Dacres 25 years at te daily heil. What else are you going to do?
  13. He plays a lot more golf than the black guy though. That you ignored that part of the post is unsurprising given your 'demented narrative '
  14. Disgusting lack of respect for a former British number one.
  15. "Everybody I talk to,” he said, “realizes it’s not Trump who’s dragging his feet. Trump’s probably the most diligent, hardest-working president we’ve ever had in our lifetimes. It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like the last president did.” Fox News viewer? "Ninety-nine percent of the time I watch Fox,” he said. “Sometimes I’ll be sitting there listening to all this Fox stuff, and I’ll say, ‘Maybe they aren’t right, maybe I’ll flip to CNN’—but every time I’ve found that Fox has been correct, and CNN is definitely fake news.” [emoji849]
  16. He'll be on when he gets back from church.
  17. On his most important overseas trip so far and he makes an unscheduled stop at a Trump hotel on the way. Draining that swamp though.
  18. ^^Look at me everybody. look what I wrote!
  19. Strange the trumpets are ignoring the fact that the visa program was a bipartisan bill signed off by that known liberal president . George W Bush. Its almost as if trolling a football site is more important than some honesty.
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