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Big Rider

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Everything posted by Big Rider

  1. Stunning pictures Swello. Sounds like some trip.
  2. Went to see Fruit Bats at the Glad Cafe last night. First time seeing the band and first time at the venue. It was one of those special nights where my expectations were neutral but I ended up being blown away! Despite being down a drummer and guitarist they were excellent. Great rapport with the crowd, I’m still buzzing after that.
  3. Oops, me and my fat fingers, what am I like? Apologies to anybody who needs them.
  4. OK, you can get back onto your chat with Feltch then.
  5. I’m not worried. If you espouse far-right conspiracy theorists then maybe you should worry.
  6. Nah, i have other things to do. I also think Nigel Farage is a c**t. Free speech before you get upset.
  7. I know you can't see it matey. That's OK, don't say I didn't warn you though. I had to look up Paul Joseph Watson. I see he's a British far-right You Tuber, radio host and, here's the best bit, conspiracy theorist . Nah chum, like the English beach users I'll leave you to wallow in your keech.
  8. The existence of GB News and their anti-Jock rhetoric is a further nail in Britain's coffin. Bye-bye Scotland the dullards of middle England will insist in growing numbers. The dwindling Scottish Unionist band of Orange oddbods and other right wing dingbats will have been hoisted by their own petard.
  9. Oops, more blood and soil British Nationalism.
  10. Does pooling and sharing mean dumping you with a (supposed) large deficit? Sounds rubbish. Surprised to see an arch Tory like yourself advocating for subsidies. Your chums in middle England are cottoning onto this nonsense and will gleefully vote to get rid of Scotland. Britain is dead.
  11. Oh dear, typical British blood and soil nationalism.
  12. I feel your chilly pain. I have kith and kin in Australia and Canada which, im sad to say, are foreign now. God save their souls.
  13. It's Unionist single over the last few hours. The Fletch thing is simply DAF in yet another of his alias posters. Hence he is green dotting himself constantly. What? Surely not. That would be really, really weird and an even more terrible look for the Unionists.
  14. GERS a great example of us being better off in the Union
  15. Wow. Is that how it works? Like all the facts that Fletcher23 has provided to back up his claims? All the facts in the world could be presented to Fletcher23 countering his claims only for him to say he disagrees coz he loves being British or something. I think we all know how this pans out.
  16. Sorry, you are all over the place here. I've summarised your previous statements to demonstrate this. Have you done any research on the Scottish (Welsh and NI) supposed deficit ? Its been well covered on here before.
  17. So on one hand you say we are financially better off as part of the UK. Then you say that we have a massive deficit as part of the UK. Then you say that our UK generated deficit will be worse when we achieve independence. C'mon man, you're all over the place here.
  18. You've just said "Scotland has a deficit of 23.8%, 36.3 billion pounds".
  19. But not London. Don’t tell the ‘red wall’ Tories in England. They are looking for someone else to blame for being levelled down now that we’re out of the EU.
  20. The word definitely needs used more and I appreciate your use of it. Arlene had another staunch item on too to match her socks and it wasn't a sash.
  21. Eh? I typed Fact in block capitals with an exclamation mark. What more do you need, except my solemn promise that I've seen them with my own eyes?
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