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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Would your sister be able to move in with you? that is on a temporary basis til she can find a new place close by? Sometimes when you find yourself in a rut you just have to get out, so perhaps a move would be the fresh start she needs
  2. Getting by, it seems my ESA has been continued at the same rate for another year which is one less thing to worry about. Still having problems with the Agoraphobia, as i mentioned previously its stopped me from going to the gym and i don't have the space for a full exercise bike but ive purchased a pedal exerciser, it's basically a exercise bike minus the frame and seat, so you have the pedals(obviously) a display to record your progress and a way to add torque to the pedals as you would on a normal exercise bike. Im starting with 20 minute sessions and im gonna increase them by 5 minutes at a time. Every little helps. Due to my aunt being ill over the past few weeks ive pretty much taken over caring duties for my Gran, this has forced me out my comfort zone and ive been out the house more recently than in months, which is good in a way, but at the same time i kinda just wanna retreat into my shell.
  3. I know they do it for baseball too, not sure about any other sport. It is absolutely brainwashing
  4. Reading about this beast and the stories coming from various actresses over a large span of time all sound very familiar. He either shows up at theirs unannounced or invites them to a hotel room under false pretenses. He changes into a bathrobe and either massages or asks to be massaged. He then makes a move and doesn't want no for a answer. The Actress Asia Argento even says he forced himself and eventually raped her on several occasions until she gave in and just let him use her til he got bored or sniffed out new 'talent' Absolute beast and I hope charges are pressed against him.
  5. Honestly though, how pish has yer country gotta be that you have to get patriotism by brainwashing it into citizens as kids, use fucking intimidation and peer pressure on those that aren't indoctrinated, guilt them by saying its about the troops or now trying to force your boss and/or your chosen line of work to make it mandatory?
  6. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/354717-nfl-owners-to-consider-whether-players-should-have-to-stand-for Only if they want to. What is the point in forcing people to stand for it, how is that patriotic? This is fucking stupid. "It's disrespecting the troops!" So is fucking sending them to get their head blown off in illegal wars.
  7. does trying to get games to work on my ps2 after the disc drive died count?
  8. but i gotta wonder, lets say the send out a million identical emails like that, i wonder how many hits they get, that is idiots who look at that clearly bogus email which i might add was titled "ANNUAL REFUND CONFIRAMTION ! [Sep.10.2017]" and think its legit?
  9. "Hi there, I understand that you need the parcel however there has been a delay at the depot. I have escalated this requesting for a delivery attempt to be made as soon as possible. Please accept my apologies for your experience regarding this delivery and for any inconvenience caused. Should you need our assistance in the future please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks Cathy" Standard bullshit answer.
  10. I'd love to know how they got my email though, because i have a spam email and a private one, this was sent to the private one.
  11. When a delivery company Guarantee a delivery date then don't even bother to meet it. Yeah thanks for wasting my entire fucking day sitting in for f**k all
  12. I'm loving that it's apparently meant to be reviewed by the 20th of September despite this being the 10th of October
  13. I don't know of anyone specific but Corey Feldman did a bunch of interviews a couple of years ago admitting there was a big problem with producers/directors etc taking advantage of child actors and that he was a victim of it. He wouldn't name anyone or any films in particular but just the knowledge that it happens is really fucked up.
  14. How about we add up a 600 billion defense budget that they spend every single year just so they can pretend they have big cocks?
  15. Except when most people virtue signal it doesn't cost half a fucking mil to do it!
  16. I can almost understand the ex cop, likely he has seen some shit that has made him wanna be safe, but the lassie packing a big hand cannon is ridiculous
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