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Savage Henry

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Posts posted by Savage Henry

  1. 1 minute ago, Mackie The Staggie said:

    There's a massive change in the circumstances at play here for Caley now.  On the way up, many years ago, Caley were finically backed, housing was easier to get and they could swallow these extra costs.  Also there was momentum in their push up the leagues made them more attractive club to sign for (especially over us). 

    That's all gone now, and the challenges they face are harder due to their current financial status and recent issues.

    It's been mentioned here and on other forums that Inverness, as a City, doesn't deserve a football team due to the (at times) lacklustre support they get...I think now it's very difficult to argue that the current board/club deserves any backing from the City every again.

    Caley are still backed though.   Their 27 English based loanees aren’t playing for free.  

  2. 1 minute ago, starryfish said:

    Any idea how many there are signed for next season? I immediately thought there surely aren’t any 

    No idea.  The impression I have had is that Ross Jack works with all the “local lads” whereas Ferguson spends two hours a day with the first team, another two hours in the gym and the rest of the time as far away from Inverness as possible. 

    My guess is that before long Ross Jack is the manager and ICT are fielding a side full of local young players.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, Buzz Killington said:

    Robbo when manager mentioned that getting players to move young family up here was impossible but this seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut.  I've no idea what they have tried and presummably failed to do before that it has come to this.

    County have the same issue but overcome it by offering an extra 10% and playing very soft when it comes to transfers.  

    There’s absolutely no reason you can’t get players to move here.  

  4. 4 minutes ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

    This has Gardiners brown broagy tassled cunty footprints all fucking over it

    It really does.  

    A few weeks ago, we took one of our residents to watch Ross County train.   This is a guy in his 80s who had supported the team all his life.  The manager and the players came over to speak to him and he had a whale of a time.  Inverness are losing part of their identity by doing this.  They’re also handing the keys to the Highland Academy over to County officially.   

    This absolutely has the hallmarks of the weirdo CEO who seems utterly removed from the community.  


  5. 7 minutes ago, bunglebonce said:

    It's taken until the very end of the season, but we are finally at the point where Cowie is just about picking what I would say is the strongest XI in the squad. Sims over White, or Brophy IF he was on it. If Allardice was fit then he'd be in midfield. 


    I have no idea why he prefers Efete to Brown at right back.  Unless there’s been an injury.  I can understand Adams being Adams and just picking him anyway to make some kind of point, but he’s just not as good in any sense as Brown.  

  6. 10 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    To turn this around you'll need to be at a level above what you've played this season and then hope County really have an off day. It's not impossible but it is going to be very very hard for you. It would've been the same if it was Saints you were playing as well, these sides are better than Dundee United and there is a gap in quality, it may not look it when getting pumped on TV by Celtic or The Rangers but it's there.

    We’ve had plenty of off days, to be fair!   I’d also say Raith didn’t seem to have any notion of Dhanda’s ability and really let him run things.  They won’t make that mistake again, but they might leave Murray or Sims if he starts free.  

    Big gap in quality, as you’d expect.  Stranger things have happened, but a County goal probably kills off Raith.  

  7. 19 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    I might be wrong but I think if Cowie had been gaffer all season County be nowhere near it at bottom. 

    They actually look like a no bad side and I don’t mean just from watching them last night but in the Premiership too. 

    They were miles above Raith for most of the game with Danda looking like an absolute class act… Raith should’ve ended up with the game a draw however so all to play for but got to fancy County to get through now. 

    Malky was an abomination, Adams destroyed the team spirit for some reason, and Cowie was left to pick up the pieces.    More than happy for him to get the gig, whatever Sunday’s result is.  Which is just as well, because I believe that’s what will happen. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

    Luis Arraez with his eighth multi-hit game on the bounce. 

    He's been absolutely phenomenal since the trade, and exactly what the top of the Pads order needed. 

    Bogaerts out for 2-3 months. Sucks for the player, but as a fan I can't say I'm bothered. His spot in the order has been a black hole all season so far, and his D is nothing that isn't replaceable either. If it means more DH'ing for Solano and Peralta, then I think it's actually a good thing.

    I love these OBP machines.  Lamont Wade Jr is another one.  Every time you look up they’re on first base.  

  9. Thought that was, inevitable late goal side, remarkably professional by County.   By f**k are we going to miss Yan Dhanda though.  A fabulous player to watch.  

    Raith’s goal might mean a bit more space on Sunday, and I might start Sims or Brophy over White.  Still feel the Raith keeper looks ropey and Baldwin’s goal did nothing to convince me otherwise.  

    TLDR: get the ball to Dhanda and f**k the Killie haters.  

  10. 26 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

    Former GHA, Ayrshire Bulls and Scotland U-18 prop Mike Scott is on the bench for the Waratahs on Saturday. 

    An unusual case of a Scottish born and developed player going to Australia for a chance at pro level

    What a boy.  

  11. I’m all in favour of oddball squad numbers as well, but I’m quite happy to to admit I’m in a tiny minority.  

    As for the squad, going by those quotes it sounds like it’ll be a keeper and a centre back that drop out, rather than Doak.  

  12. 10 minutes ago, The Naitch said:

    Final tonight. Reckon Chris has got this in the bag.

    Yup.  From the highlights it looks like Louise has yet another meltdown.  

  13. 8 hours ago, Les Cabbage said:

    1. Angus Gunn

    2. Anthony Ralston

    3. Andy Robertson

    4. Jack Hendry

    5. Ryan Porteous

    6. Kieran Tierney

    7. John McGinn

    8. Billy Gilmour

    9. Che Adams

    10. Scott McTominay

    11. Calum McGregor

    12. Zander Clark

    13. Liam Cooper

    14. Ross McCrorie

    15. Stuart Armstrong

    16. Kenny McLean

    17. Lawrence Shankland

    18. Greg Taylor

    19. Grant Hanley

    20. Lyndon Dykes

    21. John Souttar

    22. Scott McKenna

    23. Craig Gordon

    24. James Forrest

    25. Max Johnston

    26. Connor Barron

    1. Gunn

    2. Ralston

    3. Robertson 

    4. McTominay

    5. Hanley

    6. Tierney

    7. McGinn

    8. McGregor

    9. Dykes

    10. Adams

    11. Christie

    12. Gordon

    13. Hendry

    14. Gilmour 

    15. Porteous

    16. McLean

    17. Armstrong 

    18. Taylor

    19. McRorie

    20. Cooper

    21. Clark

    22. Jack

    23. Souttar 

    24. Shankland

    25. McKenna

    26.  Forrest

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