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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Think I read Edwin Poots would let him back in if he wins. Not a big fan of the LGBT community to close to Iris Robinson levels and basically built his career by carrying a Union Jack around on a pole a lot in a somewhat childish sort of way whenever Ian Paisley was in robust street politics mode in the 1980s for the benefit of those who have no idea who we are talking about.
  2. That would be hilarious to watch unfold.
  3. Can't be bothered googling but think his objection was the lack of confirmed weapons decomissioning by the IRA. That left Unionism power sharing initially with the political wing of a terrorist organisation that "haven't gone away you know". He had close relatives that were murdered by the IRA so think his reservations were understandable enough. What leaves me a bit puzzled is if Poots doesn't want to be first minister as he is positioning himself for some sort of Free Presbyterian Ayatollah role and Donaldson wants to stay on at Westminster as an MP (probably?) who exactly is getting the poisoned chalice of replacing Arlene at Stormont and having to deal with those ever so progressive and reasonable ex-balaclava wearers?
  4. Mark Hamill's limited acting skills meant that any film trilogy needs to basically just have him being himself (whiny kid that needs a good slap or bitter old hasbeen) to not quickly descend into complete farce. There's a reason roles were few and far between in the intervening years that are similar to why a Sopranos spinoff featuring the future adventures of AJ was never on the cards. Compare and contrast with Harrison Ford...
  5. translation: gonnae geez peace, we got it OK
  6. LongTimeLurker

    The Sopranos

    Doubt it's canon as far as David Chase is concerned given the great lengths he has gone to after being misrepresented after various interviews to maintain the ambiguity of what happens when the screen turns to black so its interpretation is left completely up to the viewer. People who vehemently insist Tony S got one behind the ear from the Member's Only jacket guy because they had some emotional need for it to end on a moralistic crime doesn't pay note appear to have missed that the B side to the Journey song he selected is Any way you want it. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't but the door was definitely left very much open for a moneyspinning sequel if James Gandolfini hadn't popped his clogs...
  7. Definitely but there's a couple of guys with blazers from WoS clubs that are still trying to keep the SJFA going and are talking about the SJC becoming the national cup competition for everything semi-pro from tier 5 down. Good concept IMO and hope it happens but there's no obvious reason why it wouldn't be the SFA that would implement an all-ecompassing national nonleague cup if it ever happens. It will be interesting to see how many WoS clubs will retain SJFA membership for 2021-22. If the WoS sticks with the SCC and there is no reason to believe they are not at this point it will be very challenging to fit the SJC in alongside league games and whatever WoS specific cup competitions emerge next season. There's currently no reason to believe that the EoS have any plans to allow any of their clubs to participate in the SJC next season so the posts above were nothing more than a bizarre tangent from the same posse of posters who thought Tayport and Scone Thistle would have to join the EoS to get into the pyramid because of the Club 42 playoff rules and were completely obsessed with a particular line of latitude to the exclusion of what was actually really unfolding in the PWG negotiations.
  8. Always been a jag colloquially in Scotland and really don't remember ever hearing jab that much pre-COVID. An injection was the more formal way something like a BCG got referred to AFAIR.
  9. Tory figures increase despite corruption - some people really need to take a hard look at themselves. ...or maybe the electorate separates out the Scottish Conservatives from Boris these days when a Holyrood election is involved? Douglas Ross saying the PM potentially should resign in a high profile interview before a UK-wide audience suggests putting the boot into his own UK party leader is viewed as a sensible strategy right now. Normally the approach would be to duck the question by saying he has complete faith in Boris's integrity and is therefore sure it won't happen. That coupled with the billions of promised extra spending suggests the Tories are in panic mode over an SNP majority.
  10. None whatsoever and it's far from clear that a Midlands & Grampian Leagues plus some of the WoS clubs cup competition has any long term future at this point. It will be interesting to see how many WoS clubs renew their SJFA membership and how many decide they would prefer to decongest an otherwise already very busy fixture list.
  11. Welcome to my ignore list. Spew away to your hearts content in future. I won't be reading any more of your moronic drivel.
  12. It would have been OK just to say no and admit this has all been a bizarre fuss over not very much. The pyramid would have been done and dusted two years ago if the EoS had been comfortable with an SJFA role within it. They weren't so we got another two years of ongoing lunatic blazer politics instead before top west region people finally grasped that they would have to form a WoS to get in because the EoS held a veto over changes to the playoff rules. Excuse me if given that backdrop I find the idea that the EoS are suddenly going to be OK with WoS style dual SJFA membership for some of its clubs a little farfetched.
  13. ...at a Shankhill Road community... BBC showing their deep knowledge of all things Northern Ireland.
  14. Can you point us to any information that suggests there is currently a move underway to do that?
  15. Check out the SJFA constitution: https://www.scottishjuniorfa.com/media/2717/sjfa-constitution-rules-20-21.pdf SJFA = east and north regions plus some clubs from the WoS. To be in the SJFA you have to be in the east or north region or the WoS. If you leave the east region to join the EoS you are also leaving the SJFA as part and parcel of that process.
  16. Because odds on it's all about people thinking they are seeing an ape at long distance when it's really a bear standing on its hind legs. Ditto with the yeti.
  17. Last of the important on topic info reposted as a way to get things back on track.
  18. Brechin City lobbied very hard behind the scenes last season for the Tay Bridge line of latitude Club 42 boundary rule to be axed and credible sources (including George Fraser AFAIR) have told us that the SPFL board even threatened to remove League and Challenge Cup participation from LL clubs in future if the LL did not comply. Ken Ferguson was no doubt using his SPFL board membership at that point to push a Brechin City agenda. The LL voted against a Club 42 playoff rule change at their 2020 AGM. I was speculating above that last season's playoff saga definitively burned some very important bridges at the point. A Club 42 boundary shift isn't even on the radar as an issue now and the Highland League has actively moved towards having a tier 6 Midland League feeder that would have Brechin Vics as one of its members. Brechin City posters on P&B have generally been sensible in their posts but it's difficult not to be very much hoping that their club winds up in the HL after the playoffs and becomes intimately acquainted with the Midland League in the years ahead after all of Ken Ferguson's shenanigans. Many seasons revolving around away games against East Craigie and Coupar Angus would help pay off the Karmic debts that have accumulated.
  19. It arguably does when viewed from the perspective of former SJFA members in the EoS and LL who now have a South rather than a Scottish competition as their flagship cup tournament and no viable way back into the SJFA (only open to east and north region clubs plus WoS as currently constituted). Good to hear there are active negotiations on an all-encompassing sub-SPFL national cup for the semi-professional level.
  20. If it boosts overall turnout among younger voters it probably helps the SNP.
  21. I think Burnieman posted something a few weeks back speculating about WL clubs potentially retaining membership in an EoS context and not having to move to the WoS to be able to do that in pyramd terms but he was quickly corrected by several posters with links to WoS clubs who pointed out that this wouldn't actually possible in an EoS context as things stand at the moment. Other than that there has been nothing along those lines in any of the twitter, website or facebook statements AFAIR. Bizarre that some of the most anti-SJFA posters on here suddenly seem to be cheerleading its continued existance. Would be good to see the SJC resurrected again in my opinion now that the dust has settled a bit in pyramid terms (odds on the same posse of posters would be arguing vociferously to the contrary if that became a live issue though) but as far as I can see the LL, EoS and WoS are gung ho about the SCC so sadly it looks like its days may already be over south of Tayport.
  22. You cannot be a member of both the EoS and the SJFA at the same time. There has been no indication whatsoever that is changing. Part of the rationale behind the attempt of Armadale Thistle and co to move west was to be able to stay in the SJFA. When the WoS finally elected its own officeholders a few weeks back the senior positions mainly went to people from clubs who left the SJFA so the WoS had no interest in facilitating that and agreed to direct West Lothian clubs to the EoS. It would be more pertinent to ask how many WoS members are going to retain their SJFA membership in future if as now appears highly likely the SCC is going to be the main cup competition moving forward for WoS clubs.
  23. I was just imagining Donald Findlay's various media appearances then?
  24. Complete and utter shite. Time to put your time-wasting nonsense on ignore again.
  25. ^^^Bizarre stuff that this small clique of posters (not including patriot1, andrew21 and GordonS in that obviously) who have spent years deriding the SJFA on here don't seem to grasp that it is now finally on its last legs as a national association and that the EoS will almost certainly be steering any new members towards its own cup competitions and the SCC rather than encouraging any of its clubs to participate in the SJC given the havoc that could lead to in fixture list terms. Given the backdrop of 38 league games for the WoS premier next season and the talk of a new west cup in addition to the SCC it's far from certain that the necessary fixture dates will be forthcoming in a WoS context, so the SJC could easily be Tayport and northwards only next season.
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