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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Tough luck then as this is a Scottish football board that isn't exclusive to one narrow world view.
  2. stop building strawmans if you want to engage in discussion
  3. How about Hezbollah who have a direct supply chain to Tehran via Iraq and Syria? If Hamas demonstrates that Iron Dome is vulnerable there are others that can use the tactic even more effectively. Suicide bombings during the Intifadah would have made Israel unsustainable in the absence of drastic measures like the wall they put in around the West Bank. Eventually Likud's extremist approach leads to a complete bloodbath as does that of Hamas. People who apply a good guy bad guy narrative to this issue are dangerous if they start to have influence. That applies to those in Washington who are willfully blind to the faults of Likud as well as people like Corbyn who were and are willfully blind to the faults of Hamas.
  4. I am not trying to justify anything and I am opposed to both Hamas and Likud. It would be much better if Fatah and Labour had not been eclipsed electorally.
  5. Although people on this thread make out Israel is all powerful if Hamas find a way to use relatively low budget asymmetric warfare such as swarms of missiles to tip the strategic scales, Israel could be donald ducked like NKR was by drones because they have almost no strategic depth. Saying Iron Dome is 90% effective is similar to Borat's Kazakh anthem removing 80% of solid human waste from the swimming pool if the other 10% has the range to hit Tel Aviv. What Israel does next at that point is unlikely to be pretty...
  6. Do Hamas respect LGBT rights and use the appropriate pronouns these days I haven't been following? I never received an answer on whether you can wear a yarmulke openly in Gaza City. Do the virtue signallers have something they are being willfully blind to in all of this? Maybe both sides need to stop firing projectiles at each other and vote in their peace and two state solution supporting political parties rather than their extremists and there are no easy wave a magic wand and everyone will turn into quiche eating Guardian readers solutions on all of this. Israel is unlikely to be sustainable militarily long term so the current trajectory of Hamas and a Likud backed by Revelations believing American Evangelicals setting the agenda is leading to something catastrophic but go on feeling better about yourself by only being able to find fault with half of that equation.
  7. ^^^building strawmans rather than addressing what was really written. Virtue signal away to your heart's content.
  8. Think there's also a Fatah vs Hamas electoral angle as well if you dig a little deeper but that disrupts the simplistic bad powerful guys vs good guys that will behave like Guardian readers if only the power imbalance could be shifted mindset that many appear to have. The "Republic of Artsakh" collapsed earlier this year when Turkish military drone technology removed their strategic edge of holding the high ground because the Armenian side lacked strategic depth to be able to fall back to and regroup in. Israel is in a very precarious position strategically if Hamas finds a way to effectively circumvent the Iron Dome defence system and it looks like they are not too far off achieving that.
  9. Don't disagree and far more newsworthy, but surely a mention of a WM by-election on a politics programme hours after it announced merits a mention? Scottish politics has decoupled from English ones now to such an extent that 90% of the intended target audience might reach for the remote if there is no Indyref2 angle.
  10. Was it Israel that fired first on Gaza or vice versa? I haven't been following. I see Arab civilians in Israel are being attacked and that is obviously completely out of order. How are things going with the Jewish community in neighbouring Arab countries? Is it still possible to walk around openly with a yarmulke on in Cairo, Gaza, Amman, Damascus or Baghdad?
  11. Hes a fruitcake. United Ireland incoming Would of thought the end of DUP dominance over Ulster Unionist politics is what is more likely to be lumbering over the horizon now.
  12. There's been nothing negative about leaving the HL from their money man for years now and they genuinely appeared to be aggrieved about there being no playoff last year so doubt it in terms of the club hierarchy. That's not the whole story though. If you are a player from up that way that's comfortable playing for them in an HL context but would be leaving the club reluctantly as you are not able to deal with trips to Annan and Stranraer etc maybe you are not quite as up for it as the entire Kelty team appeared to be?
  13. Will be interesting to watch what subsequently unfolds. Only 36 votes involved apparently:
  14. Polloc was the spelling at one point: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polloc_and_Govan_Railway and it's still used by a cricket club: http://poloc.com/
  15. It was disappointing that EoS members would vote this mob in under these circumstances against the wishes of a fellow EoSFA member.
  16. Not necessarily true given Ian Maxwell's Option Z proposal during the PWG meetings but that ship has sailed.
  17. Think Annbank United were basically an Ayr United colts team at one point in the west region and it sounds from the EoS forum like Syngenta are possibly going to be doing something like that with Stenhousemuir in the EoS next season. Clubs can form a colt team indirectly through loans rather than having an outright colt team setup in other words. In the LL catchment, colts teams were OK for SoS and EoS subject to being voted in by the existing members but not for the LL prior to the current proposal. There is no similar restriction at tier 5 for the HL so serious consideration was given to an ICT Colts entry two seasons ago to bring numbers back up to 18 after Cove Rangers got promoted. That got rejected. ICT subsequently used Fort William indirectly as their U20 team through loans but rules were modified to limit the numbers of loans into the HL from a specific club outside the HL to prevent that from happening again in future.
  18. Hopefully the same magnanimous spirit will be shown to the latest newcomers from the east region that was shown to Blackburn & co by the existing traditional membership when they joined so that they aren't placed in a newly created lowest tier with a prolonged bottleneck where promotion is concerned thereafter.
  19. Am I right in assuming then there's only one promotion place for the development league for the champion subject to being accepted at the AGM and that other clubs that get accepted into full membership after finishing below that will stay in Div 4 Development League the following season which will be joined at that point by at least one other new club (Blantyre SC)?
  20. This message earlier appeared to imply that they could potentially be playing in the South Challenge Cup next season so looks like they are part of the pyramid but need to get their home grounds sorted out to be able to progress and fully participate in cups: Non-licensed clubs already have similar glass ceilings on what they can do in progression and cup participation terms.
  21. You were not alone. Maybe this is the location? https://www.google.com/maps/@55.8885858,-4.2189656,290m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Partick Thistle were mentioned at one point by parkcircus where Finnart were concerned and it appears to fit: https://ptct.org.uk/pitch-booking/
  22. Sadly Garrelburn is no longer with us to provide details on what is happening in Kilsyth. I assume this is where Kilsyth Athletic will be playing? https://www.google.com/maps/@55.9726318,-4.0585979,359a,35y,277.12h,44.88t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Wonder how keen Kilsyth Rangers are on having a local rival? Presumably they won't be forced by circumstances to cohabit with them unlike the Bo'ness scenario.
  23. Never been clear to me that the 3G at Scotstoun Sports Centre is mission impossible for something lower level than the LL where entry level isn't a requirement given some of the other 3G cages already in use or likely to soon be: https://www.google.com/maps/@55.877797,-4.3400119,293a,35y,13.58h,44.9t/data=!3m1!1e3
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