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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. After a couple of weeks of not being able to access P&B due to internet censorship in the country I was in I wind up with a 3/10. Could have been worse as i was clueless after the first one.
  2. Merkel and co saying no informal talks until you invoke Article 50: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36637232 means either you do a complete U-turn and stay as is or you leave.
  3. UK leaves but not in the EEA more some kind of free trade pact like Ukraine or Turkey, Scotland says f*** this fur a gemme of sodjers and departs stage left with the decline of the pound and flexible treatment of the RoI-NI land border post-Brexit undermining the strongest rational pro-Union arguments along with the general distate for Boris and Nigel, NI stays for a couple of decades minimum but Nationalist opinion becomes more strongly pro-UI again leading to a fixation over birth rates and census numbers and paranoia over which way "Jordanstown garden centre Prods" would jump in a Border Poll, Wales slowly starts to be viewed as an English region once it can no longer be equated with Scotland. Eventually after 20 years rUK sees sense and everybody has a big group hug and decide to adpot Esparanto as the shared European language with the remaining Brexiters banished to the Falkland Islands.
  4. If the Tories remain intact there is no need. Not a single Remainer amongst the Tories has said anything about doing a U-turn as far as I am aware. The Guardian is pushing this scenario, but it doesn't exactly have its finger on the pulse when it comes to what the Tories will do.
  5. That's what people don't seem to grasp. Brexit was inherently part of the Tory manifesto if the people (have spoken, the b*****ds! - Dick Tuck) voted to leave, so they are committed to invoking Article 50 at this point. The Tories would be annihilated by UKIP in England & Wales if they attempted a U-turn on that, because most of their voters backed Leave and turkeys with otherwise safe Tory seats don't vote for an early Christmas in career terms.
  6. The 40% rule was inserted into the devolution legislation before the referendum based on an amendment from a backbencher called George Cunningham, so there is no parrallel with the current sitaution. Was once told that if Gordon Wilson of the SNP had kept speaking for 90 more seconds during the debate it would not have been added, but no idea if it's true or not.
  7. Keen observers of the last general election in Scotland will realise why a three way split amongst the traditional mainstream parties against a single upstart opponent fueled by a recent referendum is a recipe for almost complete wipeout and will notice that UKIP's starting position in a Westminster context is not that far off where the SNP were in the 2010 Westminster election with Euro elections being their version of Holyrood polls where significantly greater success had been achieved. A lot of politically aware people across the UK are now at the bargaining stage of the five stages of separation basically. Once they realise it is futile and the result is going to have to be implimented whether they like it or not, we will be into depression and then acceptance.
  8. 4/10 and knew 4. Amazed to see a Shetland question. Suspect most Scottish people would struggle with that one never mind Aussies.
  9. Only got into this Game of Throne stuff recently, so don't claim to be an expert, but think the twist that set the scene for future shenanigans will be the lingering suspicions over whether Sansa was hoping her half-bro would get offed along with her younger brother and most of his Wildling pals before those Knights arrived to save the day clearing the way for her to take control. Jon Snow is way too impulsive and not very bright but Sansa played it smart having watched how people schemed against each other at King's Landing, but not so smart that people won't be able to see through it.
  10. Think I was 6/10 and knew 4. The post got zapped because it was made when the upgrade was briefly attempted. Glaikit in question 7 seemed to suggest that a Scot put the questions together today.
  11. It could be made, but it would be an intellectual contortion. It could also be argued that the obsession with songs sung at the Rangers end as being symptomatic of all that is evil in Scottish society is what led to inadequate levels of police and stewards being deployed to the Hibs end. Have people really forgotten that Hibs and Aberdeen were the biggest problem from a casuals standpoint back in the 1980s? All of Scotland's social ills do not neatly revolve around the Old Firm and supporters of all major clubs are capable of causing problems, but hey if there's no Red Hands on display we can turn a blind eye to that. Making a huge fuss about criminalizing singing songs is a bit like Richard Nixon's over the top drugs war policies towards marijuana. It's all about finding a way to arrest a group of people in a deliberately targeted sort of way that the powers that be strongly disapprove of because their face doesn't fit within the prevailing culture of the silent majority, whose buttons need to be pushed at a visceral level to gain votes. The next few years are going to be interesting to watch in a sit back and grab some popcorn sort of way as the club that was supposed to be deid but never really was is about to make a re-appearance that will be about as welcome as the proverbial turd in the punch bowl where most of the influential political hacks within Scotland's elite are concerned.
  12. Really? How much money do you think the broadcasters would provide without the Old Firm and how much money would league and cup sponsors kick in if the two clubs supported by a majority of people in Scotland that follow the fortunes of Scottish clubs were no longer a factor? I saw numbers of 16% Rangers, 11% Celtic and 18% rest combined recently in a Panelbase opinion poll for wingsoverscotland about attitudes towards the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. There are even bigger issues with people only supporting two or three clubs in countries like Portugal, Croatia and Serbia, but that's still a drastic skew in support terms. http://wingsoverscotland.com/how-the-north-was-lost/
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