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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Think some people are actually trying, although they could save themselves a lot of effort by simply adopting Faroese.
  2. A very pleasing 7/10.The one I would guess would be referred to above helped balance the tie me Kangaroo down sport content, but knew 4 in total and was reasonably confident on 2 more.
  3. There isn't one Norwegian language. There are two major literary standards referred to as Bokmal and Nynorsk (and some extra fringe nutter ones). Bokmal is basically Danish with some minor changes to better fit a Norwegian accent and add in some distinctive local vocabulary, because the main cities like Oslo became Danish speaking over the centuries of Danish rule, while Nynorsk is closer to Norway's traditional Old Norse that was still being used in rural areas especially in the west around the Sogne fjord. It's exceedingly unlikely that Scotland would ever ditch standard English given all the advantages it offers globally. It was a lot easier for Norwegians to give up literary Danish in practical terms, but the raw material in linguistic terms of Burnistoun sketch character vs Buchan fermer is still there in Scotland for something similar to unfold if historical circumstances were different.
  4. Consistently no matter where they are and who they are speaking to, yes. Get away from East Renfrewshire into rural areas or fishing villages and the way the older generation speaks amongst themselves can be very broad. If you have never been in that sort of environment socially, it's easy to be completely unaware of just how broad that can be.
  5. Lesser used names for daughters include Alaska, Alva and there was both a boy and a girl called London. Hopefully, not named for similar reasons to Elgin in the book version of Trainspotting.
  6. ditto and managed to get another Aussie rules one correct with an educated guess based on the teams I have heard of before being likely to generate the highest TV ratings. Flag one is potentially a bit controversial as it is the Assad regime one and many countries now recognise the opposition, who use a flag with a green bar.
  7. 2/10 and knew 1. Have flown over the African country so memories of checking the in flight map and hoping we weren't about to fly over Libya during the revolution there came in handy.
  8. A bit like the story about the wee lassie from Paisley called Pocohontas McGuinty that did the rounds about 15 years ago, and the oft repeated legend of the Algerian internationalist from the 1970s called Ars Bandeet who doesn't show up in any FIFA records.
  9. 6/10 and even got the Aussie Rules question right. Kicking myself over the brass question. Have been to the beach with the penguins, so had a bit of an advantage on that one.
  10. My grandmother sometimes used to reminisce about her Aunt Jemima. Nowhere does weird names quite like Shetland. Zilla was another highlight on what Shetland parents sometimes inflict on their daughters. Only later in life did I find out it was short for Ursulla rather than Godzilla.
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