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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. What I originally wrote was "relatively recent times". Lots of people still around who grew up watching television when nobody would have blinked an eyelid at Ulster being used instead of NI. Back before the internet there were no Old Firm orientated websites launching deranged obsessive campaigns against media personalities who said or wrote something that went slightly off message in some way. Zoe Salmon is proud of the red hand of Ulster it's the end of civilisation as we have known it etc etc. A bit like the Derry/Londonderry thing there was a time when people were a lot more easy going on stuff like that.
  2. Referring to Northern Ireland as Ulster was normal even in the mainstream media until relatively recent times in a Scottish context.
  3. Anybody who has ever actually seen an Orange walk will have seen LOL rather than OO on their banners. The acronym isn't some obscure members only thing. Not sure why so many otherwise apparently rational people appear to take leave of their senses when discussing this particular organisation. They don't like the Roman Catholic church. Their reasons for doing so are dated to say the least, but there's nothing inherently wrong with that. I'm more into the Richard Dawkins secular humanist viewpoint on that sort of thing, personally.
  4. That's an interesting leap in logic to say the least.
  5. Think the LoL were on the Yes side in the first devolution referendum because they thought it would help bring Stormont back, for what it's worth. Beyond that being opposed to the Roman Catholic church is not enough to fit the definition of a "hate group". Never been a huge fan of them, but it's hard to think of another organisation that so much exaggerated and misinformed nonsense gets written about.
  6. Ian Paisley genuinely did save Ballymena and the rest of Ulster's bible belt from sodomy but only when acts of zoophilia aren't taken into consideration. A subject he deliberately chose not to highlight because he feared an electoral backlash.
  7. Comedy doesn't always translate well in subtitles. A good example is when the mother is introduced to her new son-in-law Rainer (who is from West Berlin) and he starts mixing up Hitler Youth and Young Pioneer terminology when trying to describe his supposed East German childhood to play along with the whole East Germany continuing as before charade. if you don't have enough of a smattering of German to pick that up the subtitles don't really help explain what the point of that bit of dialogue was. A lot of the comedy also revolves around how the Ossi vs Wessi thing is an ongoing issue and they don't suddenly all become a single German nation again. Even the father who defects is still an Ossi at heart, because in one scene it becomes clear that he is getting his children from his remarriage in the west to watch East German children's television.
  8. Goodbye Lenin: 9/10 A German comedy (they do exist) about the desperate efforts of a young East Berliner to stop his diehard communist mother who has just emerged from a coma finding out that communism has collapsed in case she has a heart attack and dies. Has a deeper side to it that reveals that the mother was probably faking her devotion to the party after her husband defects and looks at what was good and bad about the former East Germany from an East German viewpoint.
  9. <shift>+<prt scr> then paste into something like powerpoint is the way around that, in case anyone doesn't know how to do it.
  10. Good at killing rats and will kill them for the fun of it, so can be genuinely useful.
  11. That's the stereotype, but a lot of Rangers supporting heartlands like Larkhall and Whitburn have a very healthy level of SNP support, so reality is more complex than that.
  12. So does that mean the Rangers support better reflects the Scottish mainstream given every single scientifically conducted poll on the subject consistently shows the No side romping to victory? Scotland's "silent majority" will deliver their verdict in September and that's the only poll that really matters.
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