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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Can remember being at Brockville when Queen's Park were in the first division (i.e. second tier) back in the 80s. The visiting support spent most of their time serenading the local constabulary with "Hey hey we're the polis the biggest bunch of Juan Kerrs in town" to the tune of a Monkees number. Beyond that don't remember who won.
  2. Hopefully Bo'ness United (one of the two clubs that amalgamated to form the BUs was the old senior club) will make it far enough in the Scottish Cup this season to create the possibility of a rematch after 86 years. http://www.afcheritage.org/Matches/Stats/headtohead.cfm?set=1
  3. 4/10 and knew 3. The condor one seemed ridiculously easy and actually was. Almost psyched myself out on that one by assuming there had to be a trick in the question.
  4. 4/10 and knew three so not a great day on the educated guessing front. Red Sea coastline one the easiest I have seen on there.
  5. Surprised that people appear to be falling for Russian propaganda on this. A Ukrainian transport plane was shot down a few days earlier that was flying at an altitude that should have been out of range of conventional shoulder-launched missiles. Odds on some drunken ****wit assumed the Malaysian plane was another one of those and let rip with the BUK missile system:
  6. 5/10, knew the football stadium nickname one but the rest were guesses. The name of the odd poet out was an easy one to guess by applying a west of Scotland mentality on surnames.
  7. 6/10 and wasn't 100% sure about any of them. Must have made a few educated guesses but most of them seemed like wild ones. Helps that I have watched some baseball over the years.
  8. Barry in Auf Wedersehn Pet always got on my nerves and I was never sure why, Jonathan Ross and the Time Team guy that did Baldrick on Black Adder ditto.
  9. A Ukrainian airforce transport plane was brought down a few days back that was flying a lot higher than conventional shoulder launched anti-aircraft missiles could reach, so the likely answer is yes.
  10. There are plenty of bigots in Scotland who are not Orangemen. The word bigot means holding a viewpoint to an unreasonable extent and that isn't something that is confined to members of the loyal orders.
  11. Used to find that saying you supported Hamilton Accies in that part of the world resulted in being laughed at rather than bullied, so there is a potential solution.
  12. The key is more whether there is a majority for independence at Holyrood rather than whether the SNP gets most seats. The first time around in 2007 the SNP didn't get an outright majority and that's more likely to be the norm than the 2011 scenario. The d'Hondt system was designed to make a majority very difficult to obtain and a lot of No voters who backed the SNP to keep Labour out in 2011 (I'd fall into that category) will be a lot more wary about doing it in future, so I wouldn't bet on their being another referendum any time soon.
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