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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Latest appears to be that it was indigenous Ukrainian weaponry probably based on the Neptune anti-ship missiles that took out the Moskva: maybe this only now became feasible because of the anti-radar missiles that the Americans provided: taking out Russian air defences.
  2. That's putting it mildly. Check out the Kerch bridge on that map in relation to the frontline south of Zaporizhzhia in distance terms relative to what presumably happened with the attack on the airbase. Not too much further.
  3. Not the only surprisingly long-range strike today apparently and there's presumably no way an anti-ship missile did this other one given the location: Maybe Joe Biden finally decided that it was a case of alle waffen gegen Putler and sent ATACMS?
  4. They've got anti-ship missiles with that sort of range and a naval base is presumably right next to the Black Sea. Edit: here's a more mundane explanation. and then when I scan through the replies:
  5. Hopefully Burnieman will show similar consideration for the people on here who want to discuss the footballing aspects of the Junior Cup this season without having thread after thread derailed with blazer politics. Seems to me that somebody who liberally threw the word dinosaur around on here not so long ago to describe an entire grade of football with no concern over who might wind up being offended by it is getting a bit precious about the use of the word tinpot in an LL context.
  6. The Tay Bridge boundary rule has gone so probably only Elgin on that first bit.
  7. Having spent quite a bit of time in both countries can't say I noticed much difference on that in either a good or a bad way. Was surrounded by stereotypical Adidas wearing gopniks while in transit at Dubai airport recently but only because it was easy to find a seat that way. Haven't run into them that much when I have been in Russia though.
  8. You are going to have to learn to deal with the fact that you are in the LL now and unlikely to leave (except possibly downwards once the likes of Dalbeattie and Gretna have gone) any time soon.
  9. Good to see Germany is finally contemplating doing the sensible thing where energy policy is concerned: If they had kept their nuclear power programme in a similar manner to France there would have been no need to become so dependent on Vlad.
  10. Tito's UDBA was still going after Ustase and Cetnik murderers from WWII in other countries into the late 1980s to provide a closer cultural parallel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Security_Administration_(Yugoslavia) Short answer is yes it is conceivable if Ukraine remains at arm's length from the EU and NATO.
  11. I'm very late with this but normally post it so here goes:
  12. Education is devolved so they would only be able to do it in England. Thing is though would you put it past some SNP supporters to want something like that with a Saltire involved? Excessive nationalism is an issue regardless of which flag it revolves around.
  13. They view it as part of their country so it's a bit like Ukraine with Crimea or Azerbaijan with Nagorno-Karabakh but going into hysterics over Nancy Pelosi visiting Taipei when Joe Biden isn't in a position in constitutional terms to stop her from doing so and the US military have actively advised against it is a bit over the top. Suggests they don't understand how the American political system works.
  14. 82 years old and can't take it with her. America and the collective west looked very weak when they left Afghanistan the way they did. Russia thought they could rearrange the international order in the aftermath and instead managed to unite the West and show for all to see that their military has been a bit of a Potemkin village. Now it's China's turn to test the waters with this big fuss over not very much. So far they are looking like a paper tiger but we'll see what the morning brings. Wouldn't want to be living on Quemoy or Matsu right now.
  15. Meanwhile a recent former Russian president is reported as having said the following: Edit: fortunately he appears to be claiming his account was hacked.
  16. Serbia also appears to be at the brink of war with Kosovo and hence NATO in recent hours. Guess we are living in interesting times in Chinese proverb terms.
  17. Really wouldn't bother trying to read it. Not as bad as Tolkein's Simarillion but similarly different from ASOIAF to the extent of being quite turgid in comparison. The three Dunc & Egg novellas are a much better read and it's really too bad that he spent so much time on Fire & Blood rather than finishing that project off along with Winds of Winter. Cynical observers might even suggest he rattled off a relatively low quality tome to meet some contractual obligation with his publisher and/or set up another major pay day with HBO. Season 8 of GoT was so comically bad that the goose that laid the golden egg may be beyond resuccitation at this point unless the script writers on this project are very good because Fire & Blood doesn't have the dialogue from GRRM that helped make Seasons 1-4 so good.
  18. Despite some minor gains for the Russians in the Donbas, the Ukrainians have claimed to be pushing the Russians back around Izium in recent days: probably because of what HIMARS has done to Russian logistics and possibly because the Russians have had to shift troops away from there to shore things up around Kherson. Vlad probably has some tough decisions to make because it's difficult to see how the Ukrainians don't keep getting stronger while the Russians get weaker on the current trajectory as more NATO weaponry arrives.
  19. Early days I know but not looking good for a licensed champion if Panmure maintain their form from last season.
  20. Russia might be looking for an excuse to finally call it a war and mobilise more troops: An attack on Crimea has previously been described as a red line for that and Navy Day celebrations were cancelled because of this. Small petal shaped mines have also mysteriously been scattered across most of Donetsk city centre:
  21. The punchline to all that is "don't delay winter is coming" and the message is your econony is going down the tubes if/when we close off the gas supply to the European Union. The rest is just filler. Thing is though if Germany does a U-turn on decommissioning its nuclear power plants and the Dutch reactivate the Groningen gas field the EU can probably weather the storm OK at this point.
  22. Maybe they are linked in to what the league is doing on live scores now. Would definitely be good if they start doing that regularly.
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