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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. And the moral is that it's best not to announce players until the registration forms are signed and processed. Personally think it's a good thing that the EoS and WoS are doing pro/rel the junior way rather than copying the LL and SPFL on that. Take the best ideas from both grades and build something better for all. Next up on doing what was best about the juniors while definitely not doing fixture lists week by week or having retention lists or reinststement fees would be a national nonleague cup.
  2. Didn't exactly need to be clairvoyant or a "military analyst" to know this was just around the corner.
  3. Worth noting that one is in southern Ukraine close to Crimea. They have promised not to use HIMARS to target Russian territory Have seen it claimed that the range for the HIMARS rockets that were sent is probably significantly further than what is usually publicly stated. Melitopol being targeted accurately may provide evidence for that.
  4. Suspect we'll hear later that it was like Hirske and Zolote and the Ukrainians had already basically withdrawn.
  5. ...and a third ammo depot in Makiivka near Donetsk apparently, not a good day for Vlad so far: Have to wonder how different the last three months would have been if NATO had decided to supply HIMARS back in March.
  6. Wonder if this will be on the Western media's radar:
  7. ...and yet again the airport outside Kherson:
  8. Going to put you on ignore at this point.
  9. Russian ammunition depots still seem to be exploding regularly: At some point that presumably has to start affecting their ability to keep advancing.
  10. Thank you for that constructive and insightful contribution to the thread.
  11. Maybe but the propaganda value of pictures of a Ukrainian flag being raised will be difficult to resist. Some of the weapons the Ukrainians could land by speedboat easily enough like Stingers might be easier to keep safe than weaponry like the Pantsir system that the Russians had installed if there are any bunkers left intact on the island.
  12. Does that really make sense when it's a superleague club that's involved? Could also be commitee or finance related.
  13. Think surface-to-air missiles and radar there were making it difficult for Ukrainians to fly aircraft as far off as across their southern coast. Previously the Moskva had that function but after it sank they tried to use Snake Island instead.
  14. Gazprom's share price has plummeted today after they declined to pay a dividend for 2021: Looks like the reality that Vlad miscalculated because Germany is actually willing to go through with dumping them permanently now is finally sinking in.
  15. Lot further from Sevastapol than it is from the Ukrainian coast by the Danube so there's probably no risk of shelling. The Russians can't safely get naval vessels close now because of harpoon anti-ship missiles. They attacked with the Moskva last time around and it's now at the bottom of the sea. Air attack would be vulnerable to Stingers etc so the big problem would be cruise missile attacks but that's the same pretty much anywhere in Ukraine.
  16. If Ukraine can place some of the NATO supplied anti-ship missiles onto the island, any Russian ship leaving Sevastapol is probably significantly easier to target at that point.
  17. How many of this year's third division will be there four years from now? Harthill, Stoneyburn and West Calder maybe? Ultimately it's going to be the natural habitat for a significant portion of the traditional EoS teams if this structure is retained. Will be interesting to see if Vale of Leithen winds up being one of them.
  18. If they can take out a couple of targets like this every day for a month even 4 HIMARS probably do make a big difference.
  19. Orkney play at Holm rather than Kirkwall these days to be closer to one of the ferry routes to Caithness.
  20. ...after four months of war. As with HIMARS it kind of begs the question of what took them so long to get around to doing that. Only sensible looking answer I've seen to that is that the Ukrainians first had to prove they had the will to fight and were capable of winning with only their own forces if properly supplied and weren't going to wind up being like the corrupt Afghan government NATO propped up for about 20 years.
  21. The Ukrainians now appear to be hitting ammunition depots deep behind enemy lines to an extent they weren't before: Think it's safe to assume it is HIMARS if they could accurately do two important targets in one salvo.
  22. ...only because of a very restrictive self-preservation society approach to pro/rel. Enjoy it while it lasts because now the like of VoL and Hawick Royal Albert have fallen on the sword you probably won't be there much longer and after that trips to Creetown and Wigtown beckon unless you can persuade the powers that be to relegate you into the EoS or WoS instead.
  23. SCC opponents are Thorniewood United from Viewpark:
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