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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I thought it was close, it was hard to concentrate as the commentators were giving a round here n there to GGG when he hardly landed a blow.
  2. That 1st score is fucking shocking.
  3. I think Alvarez threw the fight away in rounds 3 to 5, too many cheap rounds, some rounds were hard to call, lots of activity v quality punches in quite a few rounds.
  4. It's a pleasant surprise getting this fight for nowt on boxnation through my BT account.
  5. De la Hoya looking like a star of the future here so far.
  6. Considering he's still young I'll happily take him filling the gap as Golovkin's obviously not going to be around for too long.
  7. I was looking at it more for elevating Alvarez to the top few p4p with potentially another 5 or 10 years to go. I honestly can't see it being boring, it might not be the tear up that most want/expect but there will be enough skill of one kind or another to keep serious boxing fans going for a wee while.
  8. I fancy Alvarez to win but my judgement is probably skewed by thinking a win fro him will be the best result for boxing.
  9. Hopefully neither man gets a ko in the 1st 9 rounds, it'd be good to see what both men have got when they're going toe to toe with the fuel needles nearing empty.
  10. It's definitely in the genes, he's the type of fucker that gives the haters all the ammo they need to tar everyone with the same brush.
  11. I asked as your post appeared to be putting one group above another, might not have been your intention but that's how that post came across to me.
  12. People on the left, they're as big a nutters as those on the right. As a white middle-aged male, how am I to treat transgender people and how am I to know that one group of transgenders are better than another.
  13. Why have a cut-off of 24 weeks when over a quarter survive at 22 weeks and 70% after 23 weeks, we'll fight to save some at under 24 weeks but we'll crush the brains out of an unwanted 24 week old or just leave it to die in a kidney dish.
  14. I can't say that sits comfortably with me.
  15. Pictures like that turn my stomach. Kissing gingers in public should be a hanging offence.
  16. A fair chunk of the population subconsciously put their preferred outcome forward(usually pro life) when asked for their opinion.
  17. Do those that are pro abortion/choice actually allow females to make their own decisions?
  18. I'm quite sure that most of those that voted for JRM knew who they were voting for and what he stood for, I for one can't be arsed with a society that wants to shut down the opinions of those they don't agree with.
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