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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I'm just glad the boy signed for a team that appears to place a greater emphasis on technical ability, at least he didn't choose the usual option of going somewhere that's more interested in how far you run or how big you are.
  2. Your lateral thought processes appear to be lacking a bit.
  3. I don't think that fight against Wlad will ever allow me to get excited about David Haye again.
  4. In them days those moaning about smoking were seen as the selfish sods, if you'd rather just live in your own wee wonderful bubble that's fine, I'll just lie to you if you'd prefer.
  5. That's the way it was, you regularly couldn't see the other end of a busy pub at the weekend.
  6. In all honesty, like most others at that time, I didn't give a shit about the occupants of other tables.
  7. I don't watch many live games on TV now, I far prefer MOTD or FL show, I can see the CL getting the same treatment from more football fans if they don't buck up their ideas and make it more competitive, unsurprisingly they appear to be angling for the closed shop moneymaking alternative.
  8. I used to have the decency to wait 'til others at the table had finished their course but I did smoke in restaurants all the time. I remember going to the Stadium of Light and smoking outside the pub like a frozen snotter as I forgot the smoking ban hadn't been introduced in England at that point.
  9. It looks like they are going to be utilising similar chat up lines to those Hamilton use to entice players to them rather than the Old Firm, just on a slightly older and more widespread player base.
  10. I agree that their progress is better than most would have expected but I think most had an idea they were going to take up a fairly lofty position in the short/medium term. IIRC they have also shown a very strong will to recruit and promote hungry youngsters rather than throw loads of cash at the more experienced paycheck chasers.
  11. I'm sure he thought Gareth was wrong to go to Real rather than a big English team.
  12. Just took it as the present, my choice would still be the same as most people knew RB had a good set up and were more than likely going to do well over the next few years.
  13. I don't mind him or anyone else getting crowd numbers wrong but in that piece he comes across as close-minded and a bit thick. I'm a Sunderland fan and I'd be off to the top of the Bundesliga in a flash for less cash.
  14. It was only the knobs or the blootered that weren't allowed to smoke in most at one time. There were not many no go places for smoking a couple of decades ago, I remember being allowed to smoke in bed at the old County Hospital in Ayr circa 1989.
  15. It's looking quite good for Andy, Novak has 250 points to defend in Doha before the AO as well while Andy can concentrate on what he feels he needs to. Upto and including Miami Novak is defending 4340 points out of a possible 4750 while Andy is defending 1290 out of a possible 4000.
  16. I'm glad I'm not on twitter, the amount of snapshots I've read where people stated that Ward didn't win the fight because he was down in the 2nd is unbelievable, also read one where the person states that he just gives every close round to the champion, anyone that uses those sort of reasons to claim skulduggery,robbery etc really don't deserve to suck in oxygen that other living beings could benefit from, at least take away their internet connection for a wee while and give them the reasons.
  17. I concur, he's probably stuck the fingers up to most of us at some point,
  18. I couldn't find the actual card to see how viable or not his scorecard was, he's only given Ward 3 rounds unless he's awarded points for dominance in rounds, I certainly didn't see it that way, I've also been looking for Ledermans(an ex boxing judge) card as I'm pretty sure he gave Kovalev a round in the middle that you really can't give if you're following the rules and guidance.
  19. I don't think the 1st one you quoted really deserves to be in with some of that other drivel, employing the right people has definitely had a positive impact on Andy. We've a 30 year tennis veteran classing Murray's wins as minor, they may well have been minor compared to slams but the accuracy is negated a bit when said poster is using his experience of playing at a very very very minor level as a means of trumping the posts of other contributors who may or may not play tennis, the best eye in the world for tennis or any other sport for that matter doesn't necessarily need to have any playing experience whatsoever IMHO.
  20. 2018 or later or not at all for triggering is only 2/1, 11/8 for us to stick to May's timetable for triggering. The bookies and/or punters are basically saying that our PM is less likely to stick to her assertions on the most important issue we've faced for a long time, it's a joke.
  21. I actually think B will slow the process up more than A, I just don't understand how a government can allow a referendum without having some sort of clue what they're going to do immediately never mind 5 months later, they'll certainly have no right to request a timeframe or berate any timeframe put for independence if we ever decide to have indyref2.
  22. I'd be interested to see if Ward can do better early doors the next time to see if it was down to being ring rusty or whether Kovalev is just hard to keep away early doors. I was quite impressed with Kovalev after the early rounds, I've watched so many fights where once the tide turns against the less able they just fade and fade until you've nearly forgotten how well they done in the early rounds.
  23. At the moment she only has slightly more control of our destiny than the sleeping tram driver had over his tram IMO.
  24. You're the one that lowered the tone of the post fight analysis in here not me, if you don't like people questioning you on it don't post.
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