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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. A comfortable enough win for an unconvincing Djokovic.
  2. Obviously. Willie will be dishing out 50 lines to members now, "I must not let Graham anywhere near any motions".
  3. No but you have quite openly voted for a bunch of self-serving warmongering conceited charlatans with plenty of blood on their hands and cash in their pockets.
  4. Surely the SNP can dredge up a better representative than that screechy harridan, I wouldtn' allow her to choose which milk I should buy never mind anything important.
  5. I don't think there's enough people attending Ayr Races.
  6. You appear to be diluting the racist point by continually posting pictures,clips or quotes about it, we all get it but we'll all stop seeing or hearing it, I for one am not defending Trump or any of his utterings, I'm attempting to defend everyone's right to choose whoever they want in elections. I certainly don't look back at my granpa's appearance in two WW's and think he fought for YES or NO, REMAIN or LEAVE, DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN, TORY, LABOUR or SNP, I think he fought so that I had a choice and if that choice was in the majority that it would be upheld and respected.
  7. I think you've probably saved us all an hour.
  8. ffs, I've had shits with views that are more valid than Dianne Abbot', hopefully she gets TELT.
  9. It's not a surprise, I think you could copy & paste all the predictions from the indyref to brexit to the US election and nobody would notice the difference, we're showing so much concern for happenings in American while at the same time quite happily allowing May & Co to decide if and when the UK decide to uphold a vote made by the people with the democratic endorsement of parliament.
  10. She's as big a reptile as Clinton, I was raging watching that piece of shit on your shoe decrying anyone.
  11. Nah, those that don't vote don't have voice that matters.
  12. No luck, you missed rooms of long glum dumbfounded faces.
  13. You might have to wait a while, they usually take the Hillary route on here.
  14. No, my affair with excel and tennis stats is far sadder than that.
  15. A very difficult group for Murray, he could play decent and lose to any of those 3, if Djokovic plays decent he should beat his 3 opponents comfortably. Hopefully Andy retains his number 1 spot come the 27th, he'll probably keep no.1 spot well into the summer if that's the case.
  16. I know, just cutting down the wiggle room.
  17. So the f**k do I, I've better things to do with myself than listen to a couple of windbags grilling folk for days on end.
  18. I think most aren't delighted when a player doesn't get much game time at a relatively poor side, the boys trying to break into a side that are currently at a far better level than any English Championship or Scottish Premiership team.
  19. It's probably because like myself they believe that the person or persons most likely to have murdered her are that pair of vermin c***s. If they were a pair of factory workers I've no doubt they'd have no digs to pay.
  20. Leave misled Remain were just mistaken.
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