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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Well it shows you how highly I rate Wlad, I don't even think he's the best p4p in his own family.
  2. He's that good I'd fancy a fit 51 year old Lennox Lewis against him.
  3. What has that whataboutery got to do with being the best p4p boxer.
  4. He's beaten mostly dumplings, usually after he's had them in as sparring partners just to make sure, he shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as the top 2 or 3 boxers of the last 5 or 10 years.
  5. All boxers fight mostly bums til they beat a good fighter. No he wasn't, not even close. Wlad is no more than a good boxer who has dominated a poor division for a decade, whether he's over the hill time and his next decent fight will tell us, boxers can hit the buffers from one fight to the next regardless of talent levels.
  6. At least he'll not need to worry about The Davis Cup, he needs to knock that on the head and concentrate on Grand Slams and trying for the top spot, even a short reign as No.1 would be amazing in this era of tennis.
  7. I think it's you that's being naive, his legacy is that he's the best on the planet, regardless of longevity he'll always be able to say he was the best on the planet.
  8. That's him back out of retirement.
  9. It'll be a better legacy than you or I will ever leave in sporting terms, it's his legacy to decide what hne leaves or doesn't leave, I'd far rather he didn't fight if he has next to no motivation rather than fight diddies he might or might not lose to just for the cash like thousands before him, it's a dangerous sport when giving 100% never mind going in half-arsed..
  10. Fury's won the world title, if that was the peak of his ambition then I can understand why he's not shown the slightest interest in fighting again, he comfortably beat the guy that was supposedly head and shoulders above anyone else in the division, where's the incentive to beat the diddies that are left other than the financial one.
  11. That's a shocker, a ban should be forthcoming for that.
  12. I think the 3 main Westminster parties have produced enough roasters between them for 10 parliaments, just a pity that the corruption is so great that they never seem to appear in court to answer for their wrongdoings, WFI will recover from McGarry's stickyfingeredness, plenty of youngsters won't recover from their ordeals.
  13. It would be better if he'd showed a bit of originality.
  14. Don't really take any notice of who is/isn't a troll.
  15. Why would any video negate the issue of police in the USA shooting some black people due to race?
  16. Is the bird with the blonde hair and white dress trying to hide Delpo's racket?
  17. Nobody is saying the police in the US have an easy or safe job but I'm watching them shooting people for lunging at them, 2/3 or 4 against 1 shouldn't need to shoot an unarmed man.
  18. I think we've got far more to worry about before we ever get onto what we do or don't do with the monarchy.
  19. That's the problem, racists with power/influence and weapons is a frightening prospect for us in the future, fcuk, it's an achievement for some of them to get their shoes on the right feet in the morning never mind arming them.
  20. My demographic commit plenty of crimes, doesn't mean I should accept/like being stopped regularly while going about my lawful business. If it wasn't racism then the black guy in the fancy car should get stopped once or twice rather than continually IMHO.
  21. I'm sue the figures on stop n search are stark, I'm also sure that the number of blacks being shot by police in USA are stark as well, I don't think I'd have anything other than hatred for police if I was continually stopped in London and other major cities because I had a suntan and a nice car, obviously a fair chunk think black folk are all thick law breaking chancers in major cities around the UK.
  22. Well they had 20 or 30 vehicles on us when we went down and none to catch the perpetrators, that's making a c**t of it in my book. Plenty of hatred for the police is well earned in my experience, I wouldn't let many push my shopping trolley never mind depend on them to keep me safe, 8 to arrest someone for doing a slash was a common occurrence in Ayr after midnight when I was out and about. Perhaps if they gave blacks the same shake as whites as far as stop and search etc goes they'd earn a bit of respect from more people.
  23. Everyone is different, eventually we did just follow their instructions and let our innocence prevail under interview, the minute they were on me I was laughing my head off and ripping the pish out of them, I think they realised fairly quickly that they'd made a rip roaring c**t of themselves. I can understand why they thought how they did, car full of guys in camouflage, balaclava's rolled up as hats, switching cars at the far corner of an isolated unlit car park, moving fishing rods into the boot of the other car that was at least 100 yards away from them, Tryfield might even have been there, my memories not the best.
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