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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. They certainly crammed in more to their social life in the 1st few days after Maddie went missing than most manage when their kid isn't missing, probably don't like wasting time on futile exercises.
  2. Yes, a night searching with Gerry and Kate.
  3. For the other members of the EU that'll be like allowing Phil Hellmuth to watch a live EPT Poker Webcast when he's at the table, it will not happen in the manner you think it will..
  4. If as looks likely that Andy is number 1 for a decent % of the next year(whether consecutively or playing swapsy) then I think he puts himself a level above any other Scottish sportsperson in history and will have a strong case for being top of the pile UK wide.
  5. That would end well for Labour, it's looking more and more like the UK is going to need a shiny new party to materialise and become a genuine 2nd option. I can seriously envisage the Tories forming majority, minority and coalition governments for the next 20 years due to the positions opposition MP's appear to be taking.
  6. How can anyone that has received an absolute schooling in the ring ever be regarded as the GOAT.
  7. Hopefully Nicola implores her MP's to vote for the motion when asked "should we trigger Article 50", our chance of a YES vote in the next decade might depend on keeping certain brexiteers on side rather than alienating them.
  8. Ricky Burns has done great with what he has but he's not remotely a Ken Buchanan.
  9. A win tomorrow and equalling Novak at the WTF should see him hold the number 1 spot well into next season, a loss tomorrow and we might see a wee bit of swapsy for a few months.
  10. I'll quite happily bore tits like you all day long, I don't give a f**k about words used against her but I do give a f**k about a few rich people trying any means possible to block Brexit, her pals and her had their say like the rest of us, that fact that she like me didn't like the outcome is just tough titties.
  11. tbh I've not read anything that constitutes a death threat or a rape threat yet and you can challenge any of my views as long as you don't expect me to just curl up and accept it.
  12. The vast majority of people don't really give a shit but that wasn't the main part of he post,it's like all those fannies on the TV that feel the need to wear a poppy in case some numpties take offence rather than actually wearing one because they want to. Can only imagine the level of seethe on here if we'd voted YES and 5 months later it still didn't look like we were getting it.
  13. I could put my whole life story up here warts and all and take full responsibility without turning a hair, I have not and never will seek sympathy for any events in my life, equally I'm not too quick to dish out sympathy as I'm not the sort to kid on I'm sympathetic if I don't really give a shit.
  14. I've not suffered the slightest bit of rage posting on here today, it's a football forum, it doesn't matter, help is not required thanks.
  15. My past, there are folk losing their life every day that don't get as much as a raised eyebrow form the general public why should I worry more about people with a public profile.
  16. Don't have one, last air rifle I had was confiscated by Ayr's finest when I was about 10, f**k knows where my fibreglass bow and proper metal arrows went to at the time, nobody in Lochside turned a hair back then.
  17. I'm not asking anyone to accept it but I'm entitled to take the oh well no luck approach whether that makes me a fanny or not in the eyes of others.
  18. I can assure you that I've been in far scarier situations than words directed at Gina Millar, I've slept with blades that would cut your head off because I was in a them or me situation that was nowt to do with me. And as for the 2nd paragraph, there's nothing that'll come from brexit or staying that will make any noticeable difference to my life, my finances were well rejigged after the 2008 crash. I had a severe addiction for 24 years, you get in plenty of dodgy places both physical and mental when your funding an addiction.
  19. She can do as she pleases as I myself always have, she like myself also has to live with the consequences no matter how harsh the words happen to be.
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