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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Ward struggling at the moment.
  2. How the f**k can a boxer who at times actually threw his arm like a toddler instead of a jab possibly win so many rounds in a fight, there are young kids that would get slaughtered from their corner for throwing some of those so called jabs
  3. That is a fucking ridiculous result.
  4. You'll not see as bad a 2/9 shot for a long while, it's embarrassing the names they were mentioning alongside this dud.
  5. You wouldn't know Perez was a 7/2 shot so far.
  6. Wouldn't argue against that, Boris & Gove showed it's all just a big game to the troughing Tory toffs.
  7. I think that was Cameron & Co's attempt at keeping their own LEAVER's on side after a remain vote, between that and making absolutely no plans for BREXIT just shows how arrogantly out of touch they were with the electorate.
  8. If it was their football talk-ins he'd be too busy rolling about laughing at the shite they spout to press the button, even Zog knows The Rangers are a new club.
  9. Westminster will soon be hailing a train rather than steering it.
  10. It's not a word I've heard tagged onto the end of a sentence over here, it is used instead of know plenty here though.
  11. It was obviously done for balance, unfortunately it appears that balance is only required one way.
  12. Michael O'Neill said he hardly ever went to EPL matches as his 3 players that plied their trade there would be in his squad as long as they were upright and breathing, I'm not suggesting just blindly picking players but surely we could come up with a system that gets results and then fit some of our players into it. We apparently aren't picking certain players due to their work rate, that's fair enough if the manager has insisted that they play in a high tempo manner and they haven't, wonder where Celtic would be this season if he had just discarded all those that weren't playing in that manner for the previous manager.
  13. Certainly wasn't my experience when I lived through in the east, spoke properly with no authenticity was my experience, for all their foibles, I'd far rather be in the company of west coast people any day of the week.
  14. There are quite a few people that struggle to understand me in my local area, I spent the 1st 6 weeks at uni hanging around with a Greek student with decent English, eventually he declared that he only ever understood about 20% of what I said.
  15. I quite liked one of my uni buddies from Musselburgh adding all those wee bits in, it deflected a wee bit from me talking like a Glasgow Schemie.
  16. Good luck unless Andy needs him to lose a set to top the group.
  17. I've had a look and the market has shifted towards Nishikori (1.88 to 1.66 with pinnacle) so I'd assume that better than 9/5 was available at some point.
  18. They've probably altered their odds to where they think will balance their books, it's for others to work out whether it's value.
  19. My flabber would be well and truly gasted if Cilic puts in enough to win a meaningless game just before the Davis Cup final.
  20. No, he needs to remain 280 points above Novak after this week. If Murray won his last group game and lost in the final while Novak lost his last group game and won the final Murray would be 170 points ahead with his 275 Davis Cup points coming off on the 27th of this month.
  21. You can be in a lovely quiet street and only have a 3 or 4 minute walk to the train station,beach,Glasgow bus and all the pubs and eateries while it's only a 5 minute drive to the A77 and a 15 minute walk to the airport if they ever increase their flight numbers again.
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