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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I'm perfectly fine, I'm not into all this faux rage taken on social media.
  2. I don't give the slightest whiff of a shite about this woman.
  3. You should always factor in all scenarios when taking certain actions in the public eye.
  4. Why should I be concerned about death threats towards some nobody I've never met or saw before yesterday, too many people take bad things happening to strangers far too seriously in this world. You'll be wanting me to post RIP for some random I don't know the next time a z-lister pops their clogs.
  5. It's not victim blaming, she chose to try and stop Brexit after some thought so I'm sure she factored in these sort of reactions when she made her decision. No doubt JK will have her back anytime now.
  6. Nobody asked her to disregard the decision of the electorate, she's went through this process to try and stop Brexit nothing else. I'm sure she's big enough and ugly enough to take the heat.
  7. They'd probably carry over half the English electorate with that position.
  8. I've made 1000's of mistakes in my life, most in the pursuit of gambling, I have no regrets even although I've right royally fucked up my life multiple times, personally I don't think it's healthy carrying the burden of loads of regrets, I've witnessed too many people wallowing about in the cesspit of self pity due to poor me syndrome..
  9. Nah, I think it's sad that people put too much trust in too many people, there really aren't that many people around who I'd be happy with having my life in their hands. I've loads of aquaintances.
  10. You could put up videos of American soldiers decapitating newborn babies and Wolfe would wholeheartedly defend them. The far right equivalent of George Galloway.
  11. That's just such a ridiculous headline, do the Daily Mail want judges to ignore the law when they're making decisions.
  12. We were assured that loads of negative shit would only happen if we voted YES in 2014, we voted NO and loads of that negative shit happened/is happening. We've had no tangible proof that Brexit will be a disaster for our economy, it may well be but it could also be the best course of action for the UK, time will tell.
  13. In which GE have we ever had the comfort of waiting for full details and repercussions before we decide if we really want that party to run the Government, it's not simple it's nonsensical.
  14. Aye, once we leave and things change, we can then decide if we want another referendum to rejoin, when we vote a government in on 37% of a far lower turnout we're stuck with them for 5 years, we don't get a few months of suck it and see, the major parties in the UK and Scotland could suffer dire consequences if they choose the wrong course of action.
  15. The ballot box is not in any way comparable to a fucking opinion poll.
  16. Why is it sad, it a great thing for your future chances if you find out friends are actually only aquaintances, I only keep aquaintances as a friend of mine needs to deserve 100% of my trust, only met one that's close over my whole lifetime.
  17. That line is a load of bollocks, it might be written down as such but nobody goes to a ballot box with the understanding that the result will only be upheld if the great and the good agree with it, chaos will ensue if May reneges.
  18. As a YES and REMAIN voter I will 100% vote for an anti EU candidate if Article 50 isn't triggered.
  19. If Article 50 isn't triggered by the next GE UKIP or similar will receive 45%+ of the vote similar to the seismic change Scottish politics has underwent.
  20. And what happens if we ever need Westminster to ratify a YES vote.
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