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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. If he can lose 2 stone off that I'm in trouble.
  2. I think we'll have to wait for the 1st proper Olympics with pro's in it, how many decent boxers are going to enter after such a late decision.
  3. Stan is unstoppable in full flow, unfortunately he's only been in that form a handful of times in his career.
  4. Mibbee the Super Six took a lot more out of the boxers than you and others appreciate, 5 big fights in that timescale isn't the norm in boxing.
  5. Obviously Budge thinks the divvy up of the other 5% will help to transform Scottish football, perhaps she's just not confident that her team will finish in the top 6 this season.
  6. What a load of shite, I've watched boxing since I was a toddler, witnessed some magical but brutal fights over the years, the only fights I don't like to see are the ones where your Ali's and Hatton's are quite clearly slurring words, the slurring is quite obviously down to some sort of brain injury yet governing bodies allowed them to fight.
  7. Who mentioned as safe a manner as possible, I understand totally how dangerous boxing is that's why I'm all for the pretty boys learning how to skillfully evade the big punches.
  8. His %age of diddy opponents probably doesn't differ drastically from your average champion.
  9. I can see the consequences of boxing within my own family,
  10. Yep and Ward has chosen to have less wealth rather than fight 3 or 4 nobodies every year.
  11. I didn't say I bought it, one of my heros is Duran.
  12. The path of least resistance is my preferred option, fcuk the fans they'll not be wiping your arse or your chin in the years to come. All 3 are entitled to choose their preferred route, I'll be quite pleased if they all end up healthy and wealthy.
  13. He can claim what he likes while he's got the zeros next to his name and it's his legacy to do with as he pleases.
  14. Respect doesn't pay the bills or keep your brain working properly.
  15. Ward will always be regarded as head and shoulders above Froch, doesn't matter who Froch beat or how easily he beat them Froch got a boxing lesson from Andre Ward.
  16. No, the downright unsavoury side of boxing is the lack of coverage of brain injuries in boxing, it's laughable that nobodies like us can question boxers never mind pro boxers never mind world class pro boxers. One of our world renowned amateurs of yesteryear would tell you that pro boxing is very tough, he's still quite rightly mentioned near the top of the list when Scottish and Olympic boxing is getting mentioned despite not going pro.
  17. Mikkel Kessler 4 fights since. Carl Froch 5 fights since. Andre Ward 5 fights since. Arthur Abraham 15 fights since. Andre Dirrell 7 fights since. Jermaine Taylor 5 fights since. Alan Green 5 fights since. Glen Johnson 9 fights since. Not exactly much activity from most of them although father time has played his part.
  18. I witness the long term effects of boxing on a regular basis, I'm more for boxers making as much as they can while sustaining as little damage as possible. As for Ward's activity levels, unlike most top level boxers who fight a decent opponent every 2nd or 3rd fight Ward and the rest of the Super Sixers undertook 4 or 5 top level bouts in a couple of years with very little rest in between, perhaps that format(as great as it is for the veiwing public) is too tough on top level boxers.
  19. What about Froch and Abraham? Hopefully he prolongs the rest of his life by "wasting his prime years".
  20. Anyone that goes in the ring earns the right to do as they please, Ward has done a great job of winning and defending titles and earning cash without getting his brain scrambled.
  21. He also had more fights than both of them between 2008 and 2013inc.
  22. Had more fights than Froch from 2008 to 2013 inc. 2 fights a year at the top level is enough for anyone IMO.
  23. Derek would be scoring well above his pay grade if he got in tow with that fat munter.
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