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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. And we still need a really big jump, we'll leave the complacency to UKOK.
  2. I'm glad we're not over reacting on here.
  3. I'll wait 'til 10 and see what they say.
  4. Never ever ever, I don't even understand why we continue to canvas the country. Choo chooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  5. We need another 58/42 poll for NO, the activity levels on these threads always drop when it appears that YES are close to victory.
  6. 122 women more likely to vote YES, 52 women more likely to vote NO, pleasing. YES have a majority of the workers and NO have a majority of the rest, confused.com.
  7. I find the 800000 new voters more interesting if I'm being honest.
  8. Yougov showed Labour going from 41 to 32 and SNP going from 38 to 45 between March and April, an 8% swing in a month.
  9. FFS, the naesayers on here were handing us ropes after the last Survation poll now it doesn't really matter. Choo choooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  10. I'm quite happy for them to suppress them all 'til the last kick, always better to score in the last minute against a Goliath.
  11. I'd assume the organisation that commissioned it can do as they please. I don't really think Cameron has a negative effect on the YES vote, we don't like Tories marching up here and spreading fear.
  12. That one is coming out today, the Panelbase one was supposed to come out last Sunday, so it will either be out this Sunday or suppressed.
  13. I don't do anything other than realsies, it would be massive but I'll wait 'til it's published b4 I believe it, that's why I never mentioned it earlier.
  14. I don't buy it, just happened to read it in my mums, I was actually surprised at the balance, they really don't like being on the wrong side of the electorate.
  15. From what I read in The Sun today they appear to be on the fence now.
  16. It's not much of a guess, I read that a Panelbase poll showing 50/50 2 days ago is due out, 46/46/8
  17. And they all have a level of validity but it doesn't mean we give a shite about them, charity begins at home, once you've got that right you can spread your generosity to the wider community.
  18. If we truly gave a shite about the poor across the world we wouldn't be doing things like buying sportswear produced in sweatshops across the world.
  19. If only U KOK weren't shitting themselves so much you might have been right.
  20. That was always going to be the case, we've had to listen to NO wetting their pants about polls conducted for the most part on engaged voters for ages now.
  21. No they didn't get the 2011 vote almost exactly right, they got close on occasions near voting day. As for Westminster, one swallow doesn't make a summer. How many independence referendums have we had for the pollsters to learn from? Do they weight their current polls for the huge number of new voters?
  22. The same reasons they've all got it wrong in previous elections at Holyrood and Westminster.
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