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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. As opposed to the great hider of Ayr.
  2. There's now a long list of NO voters that can't possibly knock polls now, eggs well and truly hurled into the basket on here. I think I'll abandon my more mature side on the 19th and just point n laugh relentlessly at the eejits on here.
  3. Of course not, we're only a 2 point swing away from you disappearing for a another few weeks.
  4. Yes,the only certainty surrounding this vote is that you'll disappear without a peep when it's a YES.
  5. And yet you've found yourself in the pocket of almost all the YESers on here.
  6. Highland and Islands 3.5% swing to NO South Scotland 16.35% swing to NO Central Scotalnd 5.2% swing to YES Mid Scotland and Fife 12.1% swing to YES Glasgow 11.35% swing to NO West Scotalnd 1.85% swing to NO Lothian 4.7% swing to NO North East 6.9% swing to NO Just NO trying to get all the pollsters on their side. There will be plenty of keyboards getting cleaned today, embarrassing.
  7. I can't say that but there are certainly areas that go against the grain, if Glasgow was 45% YES 45% NO the poll would be 44 to 56 just with a difference of 23 votes. Glasgow is the 6th most YES friendly region according to that poll, if I believed that I would concede today.
  8. No but I was interested to see 73% recalled voting in the 2011 elections, only 2/3rds of SNP voters were voting YES and that Glasgow was breaking 38% YES 62% NO(excl DK's).
  9. Some of the tables are interesting.
  10. Their aim is to win roughly the same regardless of the result, always has been and always will be, big bookies don't gamble.
  11. I must have missed Salmond taking a hammering. And I've witnessed numerous people jumping from NO/Undecided to YES, that's from Tories and sash wearers not your easy ones.
  12. How has the momentum went the other way? One guy with lots of cash has plunged on NO, the bookie needs to take enough cash on YES to cancel out the £150k liability from that one punter, that's a lot of money to take in on a side who've only led in one poll out of about 70, big punters won't steam in so they need to attract lots of £20, £50's etc to reach that £150k alone. Many a gambler has went home skint throwing one in to cover the tax as it used to be or just for greed as it is now when you throw the certainty in.
  13. Over,done n dusted, I don't know why we're on here, we'd be better just hiding like Reynard then just pop up occasionally when a positive appears. I'm surprised that a small swing is being regarded as insurmountable by so many that claim to be at the top of the intelligence tree.
  14. Taking 5's and laying at 2's has already been advised and happened, if YES come back into 2's now you'd be as well holding out for the victory.
  15. All this debate has done is make me realise how many people are desperate to vote for independence, that debate might not have convinced them but it certainly flicked the receptive YES switch on in many, pleasing.
  16. You're supposed to wait 'til you get your job post degree b4 you worry about disposable income ffs.
  17. They don't get enough protection from any party, the Labour party have long since given up on thinking about workers, there's too much loot to be made at the top of the Westminster tree for anyone to honestly give a fcuk about anyone apart from themselves. Working past 65 is only abhorrent if your life expectancy is low, why should you get a good job then be expected to contribute towards benefits for someone with a life expectancy of 95, it just doesn't add up, pensions should have been tackled with cross party consensus long long ago,unfortunately those at Westminster are only interested in the power and booty that awaits them when they gain office.
  18. I want a government that looks to the right on the economy and looks to the left on social justice, I've given up all hope of ever getting it at Westminster. One thing I'm certainly not voting for is anyone to spend like Labour that's why I've not been critical of the SNP's course of centralisation even although I'm looking for a serious devolution of power to local communitiesn after a YES vote, ffs we'd be bankrupt if we'd allowed Labour councils to spend spend spend in an attempt to derail independence. I believe that a happy and well cared for workforce is a more open-minded and productive workforce.
  19. I had one doing the opposite after I explained the currency issue to her, another Tory for YES
  20. The whole poll was a nonsense, an apparently respectable organisation like ICM shouldn't be publishing polls that are up/down weighting dramatically all over the place.
  21. The fact they tuned in means they're looking for answers, will they get them from our politicians and MSM or will they get them from the internet and their family and friends, I think it will be from the internet and family and friends, that's good for YES IMHO.
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