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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Thankfully the number of voters isn't very high down there, we could do with that hurricane in Ayr right enough.
  2. Are they saying yay or nay to a 50% tax rate?
  3. When did the SNP declare it's hand on the 50% rate?
  4. Yep, I'll swallow every word the husband of Baroness Ashton prints.
  5. What doesn't it have to do with Labour's economic policies, or are we just talking about the ones that are just words rather than the ones that were actions.
  6. Yep,poor people requiring food banks and vilifying those on benefits is so progressive.
  7. So who do you suggest people vote for in a General Election, SNP, LibDems, UKIP.
  8. I'd rather take 5/6 on 75% or less if I was that way inclined.
  9. You're posting to the wrong person, I'd vote Tory over New Labour every time, one side tell you how they are and the other goes against everything it purports to stand for once it gets into power.
  10. And you've been telling us all about it ever since, I'll happily empty my bank if we vote YES, I won't be Scottish if we don't.
  11. You seem to worry about price fluctuations an awful lot considering you must have placed your bet a long while ago.
  12. The most startling thing abut that post is that mid-table knows his onions, if he can punt like that on them anyone can.
  13. That's why I absolved anyone who had problems with figures, I could have used a better form of terminology as I unlike the vast majority do know that many people have a problem with arithmetic similar to the problems dyslexia sufferers have, your maths part just backs that up as many with this problem go on to do really well in mathematics.
  14. Apart from those that have problems with figures I believe everyone should be able to multiply 6 and 7 together without thinking about it, if the basics aren't 2nd nature the difficult stuff will be an almighty struggle for most.
  15. It's actually frightening how many people don't have an automatic recollection of every product of the times tables.
  16. That sort of technique just doesn't work for me, I have severe problems visualising things, no idea why I can't visualise,wish I could as it would certainly be something I would benefit from.
  17. They can't be correct, I got 8 twice out of 2 shots on the 1st one and 7 on the spatial one, I know goldfish with better memory than myself.
  18. Colin Fox is out every night spouting his thoughts, this vote will not be won or lost by anything on the YES website. I've hardly heard a single thing from naefear that agrees with the SNP or YES, he's stillout their changing minds, NO don't have the level of flexibilty that YES does, NO are all parroting the same old same old on every platform, YES activists have many hats and they use whatever one suits the situation they find themselves in. Will you come out tonight and deliver leaflets that contain stuff you don't agree with man a stall for a group you don't agree with etc etc etc, aye nae bother is the response.
  19. When I've listened to him he hasn't parroted YES or SNP policy, he might tone it down when he's actually representing the official YES group but he was a left wing as anything when I listened to him, I enjoyed his musings as did local SNP politicians.
  20. Which Fox are we talking about here?
  21. Is that Glesgaspeak for a ginger.
  22. They may well control entity known as YES(I have no clue), they don't run the YES campaign, the definition of the YES campaign being all the people and groups fighting for a YES vote, as I've said previously the entity known as YES don't even know what their own reps are doing half the time.
  23. I didn't mean Sheridan carries his paperwork in a YES case, sorry if that's what you took from it.
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