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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Why does a certain phrase mean anyone is angry? I don't agree with too much of their politics but IMHO the lefties are the people that are going to win this for YES, they you make you feel on top of the world when you listen to them, imagine how those that agree with their politics are going to feel after listening to them, another 500 entertained(not by the left b4 someone chips in) in Troon last night.
  2. I'm pretty sure Colin Fox carries his paperwork in a YES case, I can assure you that when he speaks he's speaking for his own party, Sheridan's the same, he disagrees with quite a lot of the SNP stuff and he doesn't hide it, people on here don't appear to have a clue what's happening in this campaign, go to a YES stall and everyone will have YES gear on, see them at the doors and they'e speaking for their version of a YES vote.
  3. Who gives a shit whether they're delivering a booklet, that doesn't mean they all agree with the contents nevermind them being under the control of YES or the SNP.
  4. You're only talking about what's happening in the MSM, on the ground YES aren't even in total control of their own campaign nevermind the SSP etc.
  5. Those 1,000,000 members are made up of people from every area of the YES campaign, you don't need to give up your membership of SSP, RIC, LFI etc to sign up with the official YES campaign.
  6. How is strange to downplay it? The SNP may well have a degree of control over certain factions fighting for a YES vote but it doesn't have control of the majority of groups fighting for a YES vote.
  7. I'm a call a spade a spade type of guy, not in a racist type way b4 some smart arse chips in.
  8. It's not a leap, it's a nonsense. There are more groups fighting for a YES vote that are not under the YES campaign umbrella than there are groups under it, it's ludicrous for anyone to suggest otherwise.
  9. Is that you having a pop at my girth, the one the ladies aren't impressed by.
  10. Thinking of you or anyone else will not stop anyone with a problem playing these machines. Willpower alone is not enough for most people with a problem.
  11. I think it hints to the possibility that they've polled a certain type of voter, they won't be able to disguise it forever.
  12. It's wee snippets like that that keep my confidence up.
  13. I don't know but I would like to see YES breaking 50% occasionally just to back up my own feelings.
  14. I'll settle for the sample size being too small.
  15. My son doesn't think we'll see any of those before the vote ye he still thinks a YES will be returned.
  16. I thought he lost but I wasn't actually watching it, it was just background noise.
  17. I've spent years looking for a coverall maths formula, the books and white papers don't really tell you much in that respect,for example they certainly don't explain why HOME teams with a WWD record win a higher % of games compared to a team who've went WWW. Poisson as portrayed in books is a big huge red herring, every book or expert will tell you that poisson under estimates the draw, not true, it under estimates some and it over estimates others, it just under estimates more. It might be different with an all singing and dancing stats program but it's not as easy as I thought it would be, I must have done my 10000 hours by now. Mind you I think I'm seeking perfection when it doesn't exist across all leagues.
  18. We've got 12 weeks for the Tories to take a decent lead in the polls, if they look getting back in it's game over.
  19. Yes, but your headstrong like myself, I'm quite sure both of us will be in here on the 19th regardless of the outcome, plenty of others appearance will depend on the result.
  20. I'm loving the complacency on here, I thought we'd stopped the knickerwetting on here 'til nearer the time, at least we'll have a few NO voter to debate with now that they think they're going to win comfortably again, it had went very quiet when the polls were closing.
  21. He scored a barrowload in a poor team playing hoofball, there's noway he'll not get double figures in a relatively injury free season with your lot, I'd be raiding the piggy bank to lump on your lot to go up and my lot to go down if I gambled.
  22. Going into my 47th season, witnessed umpteen relegations, this is a terrible day for Ayr fans, this could be a close the doors and throw away the keys event, battling to stay in this league has never really crossed my mind until today, we'll have to hope the rumours of a new owner are true..
  23. Probably my darkest day as an Ayr fan, Moff epitomised everything I want in an Ayr player, hope your lot don't play the hoofball shite we asked him to feed off all season, a barrowload from shit service isn't a bad player to sign at this level. We also lose 1 of our other 2 100%ers to Stranraer, how did you get rid of the shite from your boardroom, answers would be appreciated.
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