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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I'm confident myself and H_B will be on regardless of the outcome, the rest will probably be result dependent.
  2. It was only tumbleweed when the polls and odds were closing every day, some still haven't returned, probably see them on the 19th if it's a NO.
  3. I'll give it a watch but they didn't really catch my imagination as much as I thought they would after their formation.
  4. That's where the referendum will be won and lost.
  5. I wonder who will chair the stewards inquiry.
  6. That doesn't mean care that means I'm seeing what makes you tick.
  7. They'll be no more meaningless than some of the recognised polls that have been churned out.
  8. It's not meaningless to those trawling the doors.
  9. Aye, like I care if anyone believes me. You just keep on underestimating YES right upto 10PM on voting day like the rest of the trumpets.
  10. That goes without saying, I can still spot shite in my more lucid moments.
  11. Why won't you believe I could possibly vote for the Tories, have you seen the shite Labour puts up in my corner of Ayrshire. I think you'll find that John Scott received a wee congratulatory email from myself on his election to Holyrood.
  12. I voted Tory, where does that sit in your spectrum of bull?
  13. If they had maths to test it against you'd expect them all to come to the same conclusion regarding methodology. FTR, I do know what a confidence interval is, I was just wanting you to use the word outlier, and you're correct if the methodology on weighting is correct, a bigger % could be outliers if they're wrong.
  14. It won't matter how much you've read up on their respective methodologies, they don't have any previous referendums to test it against.
  15. I know he's a pain in the tits but this place is actually too quiet when you ignore the 2 tedious pedants and their apprentice.
  16. Who's weighting is gaining a more accurate cross-section of society?
  17. Another week off to a bundle of fail for you. The village idiot never seems to do too bad against the might of Glasgow Uni, #prayforourunis
  18. As long as the weighting is correct?
  19. Care to put a list up of those contributors along with their line of work, political and residency.
  20. What ridiculous claim would that be, you were the one that battered on about for day after day and week after week, I haven't stated that Mr Bairn is a numpty but I'm clearly implying that I think he is.
  21. I never really bother reading what you post with any sincerity, you've posted far too much like a tit for me take you seriously on here so quickly. What does confidence interval mean.
  22. That alone should have big red lights flashing all over the place, they're telling us that the female vote has taken an astronomical leap for no reason while in the very same time frame the male vote must've dropped dramatically for no reason as well. Why are the YES siding pollsters very quiet recently.
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