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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Ladbrokes now setting YES % of vote as 44%, slowly creeping up.
  2. I did read somewhere that all the bookies are receiving lots of bets on YES, still a bit to go but it will be interesting when YES reach 6/4 or so.
  3. George Galloway thread for this pish.
  4. NO,he thinks we think he's a nob, we all think he's a knob.
  5. Go and check the 1800 or so posts rather than a few hundred then repeat that nonsense. It's like Osborne' intervention, crowded by YES rather than the opposite.
  6. There is only one side that has continual ducked a bad poll on here.
  7. I won't be relaxing 'til I'm out on the streets dancing with the rest on the 19th and I've openly felt YES would win for months now. Just look at the NO campaign if you want to see what happens when you think you've got it in the bag.
  8. Scotland Yes vote now neck and neck SUPPORT for Scottish independence has hit a record high with the yes and no campaigns almost neck and neck five months from the referendum, according to a new poll. With the cross-party no campaign under pressure to sharpen up after a series of gaffes, the Panelbase results show the unionist lead among voters has been cut from more than 24 points last year to six points this weekend. The findings by the polling company, which had been the first to identify an SNP lead ahead of Alex Salmond’s surprise landslide Scottish election win in 2011, give credence to private claims by nationalists that the yes vote could be in front by July.
  9. You were the muppet that mentioned Braveheart in a disparaging manner then you try and criticise someone else for firing the same back, remarkable.
  10. Are you suggesting that certain pollsters are using the same targeting tools as BT are using for DK's?
  11. Anything less than 4 points will render your confidence as false.
  12. Here's what Curtice has to say today. YouGov have so far been amongst the more conservative of the pollsters so far as its estimate of the Yes vote is concerned. Since September, most of its polls have put the Yes vote at between 38 and 40 per cent (once Don’t Knows were excluded). Its estimate of the degree to which the No lead had narrowed since the publication of the White Paper was one of the smallest. So while it may be modest, the increase in the Yes vote registered in the company’s latest poll today for The Times is still notable. It puts Yes on 37%, up two points on its previous poll a month ago. No are on 52%, down one point. Once the Don’t Knows are excluded this equates to a 42% Yes vote. This is the largest Yes vote yet to have been recorded by YouGov. All in all, some ten polls have been published since the currency intervention. With today’s poll, these now include at least one from every company polling regularly during the campaign. On average these have put the Yes side on 43%, up two points on the equivalent statistic for all those polls conducted between the beginning of January and the currency intervention. Between them they represent the best sequence of results for the Yes side yet. It has long been apparent that the currency intervention had not produced any boost for the No side. It is now beginning to look as though the last six weeks may, if anything, have seen the Yes side catch up a little further. Certainly today’s poll confirms the message of last Sunday’s ICM poll that it is the Yes side rather than No that has been making some progress so far as the economic debate is concerned. Now 30% say that Scotland would be better off economically under independence, up four points on when the question was last asked in December.
  13. Aye, you'd rather have a shite politician with an attractive personality, great.
  14. You'll be breaking your neck for 2's with a fortnight to go.
  15. Paddy Power into 5/2, they've obviously dissected the TNS poll.
  16. ~48.8%YES 18.6%NO 32.5%DK in Drumchapel 72.4% YES 27.6% NO after the DK's are removed.
  17. I can feel it, how hard can it be to convert someone visiting a foodbank for example, how shitier can their life get?
  18. Trawling the doors of the schemes and ex mining villages.
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