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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I was meaning from the partying not this joint.
  2. Do you seriously want us to believe you'll be taking a break while you're on holiday.
  3. This must be the most ironic post I've ever read on here.
  4. Whatever Scotland wants to call her.
  5. Why the fcuk did you reply in that manner, ffs someone revoke his weekend pass.
  6. And you'll only feel different after independence if you choose to, you do realise you've debunked one of your own sides very poor myths aimed at the cerebrally challenged sheep within our population.
  7. I never knew my granpa's first name until after he died, I'd only ever heard him being referred to as Taffy,as far as I know he never took offence at it as I'm sure he'd have had a pop at anyone if he felt they were using it in a derogatory manner.
  8. Just more subconcious momentum material. choo chooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  9. I'm not, Labour need to be clear in the polls at the moment to return a majority, the incumbents will get the most seats if not an overall majority if the polls are accurate.
  10. Don't wet yourself AdLib, your party will be obliterated in either scenario.
  11. Do those in Cumbernauld have a vote in this referendum or is it as utterly meaningless as the vote in Ashbourne, Derbyshire?
  12. That doesn't really answer why the odds moved back the way quite dramatically, while a poll lead would be more important the nearer the vote is you don't just get to 4 months out and then deciide that's it game over. The bookies will not really reflect the polls, they'll reflect their liabilities, I've no idea whether they are trying to get or put off small bets on YES to balance their books.
  13. Ladbrokes took £10,000 on YES the other day at 9/2.
  14. No, abetting paedophilia is the fault of the unionist establishment, the choice of Sloss only proved that they know there are paedo's and they want to cover it up.
  15. They've tarred us all with plenty with less evidence. It's just amazing that we can get 10 pages on here about some insignificant shite and next to nowt about things that actually harm those least able to defend themselves in the UK or elsewhere, we'll no doubt be publicly berating Israel while offering them as much assistance as they need behind the scenes.
  16. What do you expect when the Unionist establishment would rather hush up child abuse to use the perpetrators as pawns rather then protect the children involved. I haven't heard much from any of them on that matter, why? But hey, Nicola Sturgeon may have lied to us about EU membership.
  17. Peace and harmony at the food banks?
  18. What's tactical about voting for a useless cnut as Firs Minister, are you tactically trying to fcuk Scotland up?
  19. If we could get all the polls up to 47/48% it's game over for UKOK,gaun the schemies.
  20. As is everything that will happen after a YES vote. I'll vote on what has happened.
  21. I was just talking about the posters that have the courage of their convictions.
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