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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. You need to articulate how stupid that stand point is in a manner that doesn't make the person feel stupid.
  2. I couldnae give a fcuk how overflowing the prisons are when somebody needs a wee jolt, at 16 he'll be going to Butlins on full board rather than having the option to get decent stuff. It's not like he's going to get hammered, a wee Spring break or something.
  3. Apologies, it won't be the last time I inadvertently take what I want out of someones post.
  4. Probably not if we're urging a site with 80+ YES voters.
  5. Perhaps if your dad had informed the authorities they would know, they'll certainly want to know.
  6. He used to be a good big player, showed it a bit in his comeback the other night.
  7. I'm not on Twitter or Facebook.
  8. Nobody ever shows any gratitude when I follow them.
  9. Change the accent and Eric Bristow was just Tryfield looking back at me.
  10. No no no, it was just the exact same,they didn't even change their name let alone allow millions of non-EU members in without a peep.
  11. Oh well, 1 side didn't re-apply and 1 side didn't apply, is that better.
  12. Neither side did. It was a bit like when you haven't bumped into an aquaintance after a few months and they've put on a stone, you notice immediately but nobody else really notices at 1st.
  13. A wee jail sentence will do him the world of good, short sharp shock.
  14. I'd think I would be making a tit of myself as well in his situation, you tend not to act rationally when it's yours that are involved in a bad situation,his actions will be having zero effect on the emergency services going about their job, might affect their confidence but it won't affect their performance.
  15. Indeed, 0.5% more people over 65 already and yet we're fiscally prudent enough to spend less on welfare. 98$ a barrel, oh shit, we'll just explore this side of the country and make sure we increase production then, if the OECD are correct 190$ a barrel by 2020, KERCHING.
  16. The big bit of all the figures we're going to get hammered with over the next 10 months is, are they all 100% accurate with nothing added in or taken out, I don't trust institutions any further than I can throw them as a rule.
  17. The serious overkill of negativity of the NO campaign and all the institutions behind them due to self interest. The childcare bit also made me realise that this is as good as gets under the current set up, while we might, just might get something a lot better down the line.
  18. FTR, I actually think the YES campaign will make a small speech 2 or 3 weeks out that will clinch the vote, I won't be sharing it as it might put ideas in the heads of the NO campaign.
  19. You may well be correct Reynard, I just think if the YES campaign were really really expecting the white paper to make a big difference they wouldn't have produced it 10 months b4 the referendum, it would be like showing your hand b4 the flop, Salmond is far too smart for that regardless of what any of us think about him.
  20. That's the crux of it, we'll just have to wait and see if Salmond can pull it off, a single digit swing is not insurmountable in an independence referendum.
  21. I will be shocked if Salmond has nothing better nearer the time, whether you like him or not he certainly isn't a dafty on matters like this, there's actually loads about the status quo that can get hammered, it's when and how to do it that'll probably decide the referendum, being able to point out negatives in a positive manner is an art, I'm hoping YES have the guile to do it.
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