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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Doncaster is a fanny. When asked the value of the telly deal post Sevco to the 3rd, he stated, "I don't know". We've been battered over the head with "you lot know nothing" from loads of apologists over the last few weeks, thank fcuk there are more credible scrutineers on here than the entire Scottish media, we don't even need to add the bloggers in to win that contest. Where's our extra promotion place? Where's our expended league? Where's our fairer voting set up? Where's our fairer cash distribution? Get these things sorted you bunch of self preserving p***ks then get tae fcuk, better still go now and leave the folks that are interested in our game as whole to sort it out.
  2. Do you think the diddier diddies need a wee nudge, I think Sevco's non-knuckledraggers will have a great time and a good few laughs over the next 3 seasons, they might even get into self deprecation.
  3. If there's a clause about finishing the season that's the best value price I've ever witnessed in football, probably limited to a fairly small stake, so not worth the wait.
  4. They are off their trolleys, middle of the road 1st division players is all they require to walk the 3rd. They seem hell bent on heading for admin 2 already. They really are The Silly Boys.
  5. There on my banned list as well, it's bad enough swatting flies up here without listening to them spouting copied crap that's been discredited days and days ago, radio stations really need to stop choosing a stance just to cause a stir, it's getting tiresome and the thick folk believe them.
  6. Too right, remember we were 15 minutes from Alloa and BBC Radio Scotland mentioned we were playing someone else at Somerset, useless couldn't care one jot about the diddier diddies arseholes.
  7. When will we hear from Sky, ESPN etc? I don't think all these companies are as stupid as the blazers would have us believe.
  8. Depending on who is on, I could be blootered before the intro is finished.
  9. FFS, if they read all my drivel they'll end up fat loudmouthed arseholes as well.
  10. A big congratulations to Turnbull Hutton and all the other brave people that put their heads above the parapet early, it gave us a wee bit of extra hope and fight.
  11. It might sound strange, but I think it would be fantastic to be there, Newco in the Challenge cup, imagine the abuse received if anyone on here raised that as a possibility 9 months ago.
  12. I hope Traytor's on Sportsound for a change, we should run a sweep for the number of backtracks he performs or how many time he says "I always said they............" arsehole. Time for the fans to kick armageddon's arse right into touch.
  13. I'll settle for us trying to play like we did on Saturday, if we win like we did on Saturday I'll be telling the wife all my Christmases have came at once.
  14. Hopefully Newco in the 3rd is the end of that shit as well. Get a big 42 seat table and make our game better.
  15. Hopefully they agree to compensate the Pars quickly to avoid that showing our game up further. I'll be skipping down to Somerset tonight to watch us play The Jags.
  16. Have the halfwits abandoned their attempt to gerrymander the leagues yet or are they still on the acid?
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