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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. You've no idea what I'm happy with, socialising with SD last year was certainly far better than doing no socialising.
  2. I've thought it through fine unless you've always been ok with the idea of vaccine passports, if it comes to pass it'll be another wee boot in the baws for freedom of choice.
  3. Not knowingly read a single piece from Devi. You can see compliance in action on here from many posters, if folk can go back to how things were in pubs and restaurants in 2019 with a vaccine passport most would just suck it up and do it whilst having a wee moan on here, you included.
  4. I think if there are restrictions going forward we'll accept them with little more than a whimper, even if some would be unthinkable 6 months ago.
  5. I hardly think it's that simple, they've lost out in plenty of sectors at different times.
  6. Yep there's a fair chance that someone somewhere already knows when we fart on a daily basis.
  7. I'm not burying my head in the sand, we're in a wait n see phase and that's what I'm doing, what is the point in jumping on this roller-coaster of emotions created by those in charge, they're continually drip feeding info with a spin to the worst case, no doubt it's designed to make us more accepting if not pleased about whichever restrictions they do introduce going forward.
  8. Wish you did as well, it's a far less complicated place.
  9. I contribute what I see fit, what exactly are the "I'd better be able to go for a pint with all my pals with no restrictions" adding to this place other than making everyone feel even more negative.
  10. No, dealing with something in a sensible manner will never be a negative in my book.
  11. I know we should all just buckle when bad scenarios are possibly playing out, fucking eejit.
  12. I never had a go, I said hospitality would adapt, which it will if it needs to.
  13. Nobody is saying it's funny, are we not allowed to have an alternate opinion on here in case someone else is struggling. I appreciate I'm well in the minority but I don't believe in worrying about anything no matter how horrific it might be to my family or myself, just don't see the point as it just makes you feel shit.
  14. This is not about criticising this is about folk running to the worst case scenario every time, personally I don't see it being as disastrous as some on here.
  15. I'll decide what I think when I know what's happening and I've read the required materials. I've said my bit on here about Boris and Nicola, I was questioning Nicola a lot earlier than most on here.
  16. I'm not saying my post was helpful but it is true, I shouldn't need to put meat on the bone just to keep people happy, too many on here are not willing to accept that things might not return to exactly what it was.
  17. You've struggled to reach Foundation quite a few times on here, if you keep churning it out you'll eventually get it correct.
  18. It's better than some of the doom and gloom end of the world pish that some like yourself churn out on here.
  19. Standard grade as opposed to p1 levels of "hospitality will be gone" where this all started. Knicker-wetting is just the norm on here nowadays, it's like reading posts from Bonnie Langford at times.
  20. I just take things in my stride, I've always found my best hospitality experiences were due to the company I was in rather than the environment.
  21. I think those that don't accept that their might be a new normal are the freaks, in nature the freaks usually die due to an unwillingness or inability to adapt.
  22. So the "new normal" right enough then. It's certainly starting to feel that way no matter how unpalatable that may be to some. Yes but we don't at this point know how similar/dissimilar the new normal will be to our previous normal.
  23. It will mean some going bust and ruining the lives of some associated with those venues, that doesn't mean the sector will be fucked, it will just be different and some others will happily take up some of the slack. We've been adapting in a shipshod manner due to the shite messages our overlords have dished out, that won't be the case going forward in the medium to longterm. There's certainly a fair chance of it being a different experience from 2019 but that difference offers big opportunities for entrepreneurs to come up with solutions to allow hospitality to get the best bang for their buck.
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