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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. You're correct, she should be using scheme language when speaking to the bawbags that choose to take the pish.
  2. Anyone who's crumbling after a day in the house is a zoomer.
  3. Far more still doing right over wrong.
  4. You'll be OK with Bairnardo's man-Covid.
  5. Willie will be allowed out when he reaches you auld dears current age, he should just get out on his scooter with the we greenhouse on it, early morming/late evening in this heat right enough.
  6. Maybe England, we'll see, any later for us and more folk would probably stop listening.
  7. I was a bit disappointed with Murray, he almost exclusively talked about Scotland even although he's a member of the UK parliament, I'dhave like to have heard him shredding Boris fir a wee while as he is one of the sharper politicians in both parliaments, c***s gonna c**t.
  8. Our state broadcaster also rarely shows our football team in action.
  9. Unfortunately the peaceful route doesn't appear to get them anywhere either, our best buds though.
  10. I think it just highlights that our population haven't been as conscientious and thus following Sweden would have been a disaster.
  11. I think they're saying it's good, as iff you can target and identify the superspreaders it becomes easier to contain the virus.
  12. Half the income with full work force, I've not really looked at the intracies of the furlough scheme for do's and don'ts.
  13. Don't think cuddling is a wise move for anyone for a wee while, not great when your grandkids look at you like you've the plague but we'll get there.
  14. Must make you breath a bit easier without feeling the urge to go out and cuddle up to everyone.
  15. I thought he took the entire journey to keep his wife and kid safe from bullies while he was bed bound at work.
  16. I want to know how a bed bound man manages to drive 260 miles. Also, why did he move north away from work to protect his family from protestors whilst he was at work.
  17. Fair play to Douglas Ross, there are far more prominent Scottish Tories that are still searching for a pair of baws.
  18. They'll still be thinking, what the hell was that car crash about, like the rest of us.
  19. If we were talking about that you'd be moaning about Cummings getting off lightly.
  20. He didn't need to refuel as he set off from Durham with a full tank.
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