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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I'd have a request in as well if those clubs were interested.
  2. I had no problems buying my ticket on my phone or entering the ground, the whole process still took as long I usually spend entering for the whole season, can only imagine the rage if my ticket was cancelled and all the nonsense that no doubt followed.
  3. Why would we not use stats if they were available and we were in a position to use them.
  4. I think we are competing for top 4 again, unfortunately survival isn't too far behind competing for top 4.
  5. We've actually not had many leave that were worth two bob, it's all part of a journey, hopefully we'll get to a stage where we're able to offer contracts that justify a fee at the end, unfortunately we're in a very weak position at the moment, where we're required to abrogate power to players of a certain standard.
  6. It's only strange if you attribute all the blame on those left with the mess rather than those that caused the mess.
  7. They're all the same to me, I voted YES and REMAIN, one reason for that was I couldn't care where folk are from or what colour or religious views they hold.
  8. tbf, to someone who isn't really following it that closely, no deal would/could be taken as the opposite of a deal, most folk aren't that interested in what's going on, that's why a large chunk don't vote, a large chunk vote without knowing what they're really voting for and a small % vote due to knowing what they're really voting for.
  9. Labour will be able to claim their share of those deaths as well as those due to Blair' foreign follies.
  10. As much as the Tories are a shower of shite, I think Corbyn & Co are well capable of fucking the UK up even more than the present incumbents. I wouldn't let the Tories push my shopping trolley while I don't even think Labour are capable of stacking the trolleys.
  11. There's every chance that he's throwing hammers on a building site somewhere.
  12. Well I'm not a SNP voter by choice but my f**k, it's like night and day between them and anything happening at Westminster, a chimp with a pin couldn't do much worse in many areas of governance over the last 10 years than that bunch of shite that call themselves the UK Government.
  13. f**k off to somewhere that's interested with your copy and paste shite.
  14. That's probably where they went wrong.
  15. Wasn't even the best horse in yesterday's race.
  16. You're just playing at it compared to readytogo.
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