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Everything posted by Lambies_Apprentice

  1. Thats how I reckon it will pan out. Well, not exactly sure about Triple H being in the match, but the end result, yeah.
  2. I wasn't cringing, but Walsh just isn't a character at all, so it went down like a lead balloon.
  3. Special Brew? What an awful nickname.
  4. Fair enjoyed that in the end. I hate seeing people gamble ridiculous money and win though.
  5. This is turning into a belter...
  6. How long till the first comment asking if Lloyd is recapturing the form which won him the tournament in 2005.
  7. @ the fanny who has put 30 grand on Painter to win. Not looking too pretty for him at the moment.
  8. I could maybe see Triple H returning at Summerslam and helping the Nexus win. A Cena heel turn would be stupid now.
  9. I'm sticking with what I said in that its nothing more than a predictable cliff hanger to keep the viewers watching till the end.
  10. Best I've ever seen Klaasen play to be honest. Didn't think Thornton was that bad, he was just thumped by a much, much better player.
  11. Cena's interview just seems like a cliff hanger to get the bored viewers to stay tuned till the end.
  12. I'm gonna have to pull back out, sorry lads.
  13. Agreed. I can accept R-Truth has a couple of catchphrases that the crowd play along to and is a hit with the weans, but the last time Mark Henry was a good character he was shaggin' Mae Young and getting blown off shemales.
  14. The deck is stacked against Cena, I fear for our fighting champion. The fans love Cena, away and drink your haterade, haters.
  15. I'm officially match fit again, and fairly chuffed to have this weeks game off again to give me the extra week to allow my foot to rest up. IN. Come on lads lets get on it! Graft! Etc Etc!
  16. Something I was wondering as well... Do people think the likes of Nash and Sting can still draw? I've never ever seen Jeff Jarrett as a draw, by the way....
  17. It is WCW modern day. Look at all the washed up rubbish on the roster. Look at the guys booking it. Also I was wondering, do many of the wrestlers have creative control in their contracts in TNA?
  18. Just watched Raw. Thought it was baws. Although the Daniel f'n Bryan sign right in front of the main camera was quite funny. No idea where this Nexus storyline is heading. They are beating the shit out of people but with no plot behind it now they have those contracts. Cena in the pay per view main event again, yawn. Guys like Mark Henry should have been fired a long time ago.
  19. Got your wish. Ovens is 2/1 and Barney is an awful 4/11.
  20. To be honest I think pretty much all those 1st round matches look alright at least.
  21. Thornton v Anderson in the Matchplay. 1st round Dennis Priestley (14) v Vincent van der Voort James Wade (3) v Andy Smith Colin Osborne (11) V Wayne Jones Ronnie Baxter (6) v Jamie Caven Andy Hamilton (10) v Co Stompe Adrian Lewis (7) v Mark Webster Alan Tabern (15) v Wes Newton Raymond van Barneveld (2) v Denis Ovens Robert Thornton (13) v Gary Anderson Mervyn King (4) v Jelle Klaasen Simon Whitlock (12) v Tony Eccles Terry Jenkins (5) v Steve Brown Colin Lloyd (9) v Kevin Painter Mark Walsh ( v Mark Dudbridge Paul Nicholson (16) v Steve Beaton Phil Taylor (1) v Barrie Bates Format First Round - Best of 19 legs Second Round - Best of 25 legs Quarter-Finals - Best of 31 legs Semi-Finals - Best of 33 legs Final - Best of 35 legs
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