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Posts posted by luggy

  1. How many fans will be heading to fir park tomorrow night? Just curious as it'll probably be one of the lowest attendances of our season

    I think somewhere between 40 and 50.

    A report in the paper today gives a breakdown on the prize money which shows that this competition has proved very lucrative for a small club like our so hopefully this may allow us a couple of more signing before our season starts for real.
  2. Falkirk academy produces 2 Scotland under 21 goalkeepers for them then to be shown the door is an incredible decision and the top men who have mismanaged your club to near bankruptcy keep their jobs.

    Having watched both these keepers for a season each I am unsure about Barclay but I think releasing Andrews is crazy as he has the potential.to be a top class keeper.

  3. after a long break i feel tht i have to come on and stress my anger and dissapointment in the way that the SFA have handled the Shire v Livingston situation. Accorfing to BBC sport both teams look set to be deducted 15 points if the shire refuse to turn up on wednesday.

    The only situation before is Hamilton in 2000 and they were deducted points but I feel that a punishment for the shire would be harsh as it was Livingston who called all the contraversy

    Heres the link :


    Hello Engy Well seen now that yer burd has dumped ye you have come back to p&b, anyway your right SFL are a fucking joke.

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