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Posts posted by luggy

  1. Css by the looks of it[emoji16]

    To be honest we beat ourselves today too many luxury player not willing to put the work in when we lost the ball.
    Anyway the big question is now that we've had a draw is that the end of our world record attempt for continues hat tricks?
  2. Very poor performance all round from Gala today! While the club was fund raising it was the team who dished out the charity and were not helped by the keepers mannequin challenge participation! We seem to go from huge wins to huge defeats with no consistency in team line ups, just hope we can pick ourselves up after this one and maybe bring in a few more players! Well done Shire! 

    Must admit walked into your club an hour before kick off and your players were all lounging about watching the Celtic game and I passed comment to the barman that they didn't look like a team hungry for a game of football, 1 hour And 24 mins later they were 5 down.
  3. Hitting form at right time. Was always going to be tight. Only takes a couple of bad results and things change quickly. Some result today. To take 10 off any team at this level is some going. Just hope that us going out the cup today could be blessing in disguise to let us focus on league.

    Halfway stage EK are still strong favourites Shire have to just keep winning well and hope that they start to feel the pressure. You also have to remember that even if it does come down to a last game showdown the Shire always find a way to lose the games that really matter.
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