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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. Is that Lordi there as well?
  2. The winner IMHO. How can I vote for it?
  3. Every time I hear Croatia my ears bleed.
  4. He's just rank. Bump and grind rhythm 'n' bass shite.
  5. I could understand this if it were the X Factor - Cowell is always pimping guest star acts - but the EBU? WTF?
  6. Timberlake being patronising as hell.
  7. Not my favourites but the order I think they'll finish. Australia Russia Spain Lithuania Poland Cyprus
  8. It's as complicated as the Israeli PR system.
  9. That voting sounds bizarre.
  10. Aussies to beat Russia then Spain.
  11. It wasn't meant that way. Wid.
  12. She looks like a burlesque act.
  13. Might do better because it's on late as well.
  14. They'll not win but won't be at the bottom.
  15. Aye - watching Hibs does that . . .
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