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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. Spot on Gibby - if we left it till January he'd have gone for what GMS did.
  2. A ground share would only work if both clubs owned the ground or it were owned by a neutral body like DCC. No way in a million years would United wish to be Dundee's tenants.
  3. Nuttall who is a nasty piece of work will be a likely favourite.
  4. And leaving with only WTO rules in place is the nightmare scenario.
  5. There should still be a General Election imho - irrespective of what happens with Brexit. Any new referendum would have to be on a new deal ie you just can't have a second referendum because you didn't like the answer to the first. In some ways it is akin to the SNP's position on a second referendum.
  6. The only way the EU result could be overturned is if a new EU deal were negotiated and a second referendum took place - I cannot see it happening myself.
  7. Option 3 I think is Borisconi's ideal option - however, unlike previous rejections by the electorate, this might not be as likely as one would think. I think there will be a substantial number within the EU who will be glad to see the most reluctant member gone. My feeling is that Option 2 will be the end result - a deal along the line of the Swiss or Norwegians relationship.
  8. The only way you could have a second referendum is if there were an entirely new EU deal on the table - and with the Mexican stand-off that's going on just now I don't believe that is likely to happen.
  9. It does if you put it in your manifesto and get elected. But I don't believe that would be strategically the best thing to do - it would play right in to UKIP's hands.
  10. I switched off after 5 minutes - Dimbleby's chairing was appalling and the audience seemed to be made up of ill-informed halfwits.
  11. He spent most of Thursday night slagging off Farage's positions.
  12. My understanding is that the BoE are taking action to prevent any meltdown. Rumour is that there may be 2 interest rate cuts on the way - first to 0.25% and then to 0%.
  13. I think the BoE's first response will be more Quantitative Easing with possibly a drop in interest rates to 0.25%.
  14. The thick voters were warned this is what would happen but choose to stick their fingers in their ears - hell mend them.
  15. If Leeds offer a £1 million I'd drive him there myself.
  16. Rumour is he is a Stark but not Ned's son but the son of Lyanna Stark (Ned's sister) and Rhaegar Targaryan.
  17. It really infuriates me how easy a ride UKIP have been given over the years. Far too much focus on the blokishness of Farage and not enough challenge to his tacit racism. It's not just the MSM but the cowardly way the mainstream parties have avoided confronting UKIP's lies on immigration in fear of offending the racists and racialists that are a significant part of the electorate.
  18. So why do Killie fans have a reputation as being Rangers fans without the bus fare?
  19. Can we not give this shower a separate forum like they had in the Championship forum?
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