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Everything posted by sparky88

  1. When he got sacked at Everton I thought he would be doing well to get a job in the Championship. To be put in charge of probably the most expensively assembled squad in history is utterly insane. What has he got on these club owners? Are his family connections helping him get jobs?
  2. Looking forward to Sturgeon's defence that she didn't know what had been happening in her own house because she was never there.....
  3. Was questioning my knowledge of football when Chelsea spent millions on Potter to get him out of Brighton. He seemed utterly, utterly overpromoted in a Liz Truss sort of way.
  4. If I am being picky, a few Spain attacks came from Gunn's aimless long range kicks. I feel like Scotland might now be good enough now to play the ball out more from the back.
  5. 'Futbol de verano por favor' on Tapas and Gazpacho.
  6. Behind the goals for McTominay's 2nd strike of the night. Limbs, as the kids say these days.
  7. Don't know maybe it is. I'd have thought getting the chance to vote for the leader and FM would be one if the best things about being a member of the SNP.
  8. Amount of folk voting for nobody is pretty high. Maybe a reflection of the problematic issues with all candidates .
  9. You've obviously not seen the video of the two wee girls singing along to Cher Lloyd before their mother abruptly interrupts them.
  10. Struggling to get excited about this sting. They haven't done anything wrong.
  11. This is the best possible outcome for Labour . Tories haven't realised that much of the electorate sees a picture of Johnson and thinks 'oh he's the lockdown parties guy'. They don't give a shit whether he lied in parliament or not (he did)
  12. Report almost copy and pastes over and over again the defence that it was really really busy in 10 downing Street so really hard to social distance, unlike other workplaces. Heard it all before. Its all shite.
  13. Charles Green coming to rescue SNP any day now
  14. Regan the only one actually speaking to the electorate that will actually choose the SNP leader. Staggering how little Forbes manages to mention independence- its almost quite admirable.
  15. Ever wondered if Alan Shearer is a massive Tory? Well, we are going to find out tonight, either way.
  16. Selectively releasing the WhatsApp isn't factual. She might as well make them up. Absolutely nothing of interest has been released yet. Not to say it won't of course.
  17. Green and gold scarves back in fashion
  18. Hilarious that there's Tory MPs going on to media talking about Partygate to try and get the electorate to care about Sue Gray. Its like lemmings jumping off a cliff.
  19. Imagine a statue of Ash Regan in George Square after she leads the country to independence.
  20. Its pointless extracting anything from a single council seat result.
  21. A member of her family makes thermometers probably.
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