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Everything posted by sparky88

  1. Worst possible outcome if you are a Chelsea fan. He's spectacularly out of his depth.
  2. Is Frank Lampard managing the Tories now?
  3. Both sides would love to use more air power, but one of the stories of the war has been the success of defensive ground to air weaponry. As devastating as the Russian attacks have been on Ukraine, relatively few missiles seem to be hitting their targets, having been shot down. Is it not a bit obvious that this is a false flag?
  4. Someone will probably come in and organise the Spurs team, but no-one will ever take away the few weeks where they defended literally like a pub team.
  5. The All or Nothing doc was three years early.
  6. '1997 Masters Tiger Woods' energy around Si.
  7. 'Frank Lampard Chelsea' fast becoming the new 'Gary Neville Valencia'.
  8. Journalists everywhere trying to write copy based on the fact they did or didn't receive a text. Looking forward to Reporting Scotland's report on the alarm later. 'So, man in Dundee did you get a text earlier?'
  9. I suspect very, very few bullies regard themselves as bullies. I don't believe for a minute Raab thinks he is a bully but he isn't the right person to make a decision on that.
  10. Johnson Sunak Leadsom All Brexiters, but none of them have been accused of bullying (that we know of). Raab's whine that 'it's about Brexit' makes no sense.
  11. Williams did that break off earlier on today as well.
  12. Takes away slightly from the 'Portillo moment' I was looking forward to when he gets turfed out of his constituency next year.
  13. He doesn't seem to know much more about snooker than me, which is a bar I think we should all expect our commentators to clear.
  14. Not sure i can remember a worse quality match at the crucible. I'm sure there has been though
  15. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that neither Milkins or Perry are going to win the World Championships.
  16. I found the seats uncomfortable. Still one of my favourite sports events to go and see though.
  17. Richard Gasquet. John Fleck. Freddie Adu. Any top male snooker player that isn't O Sullivan, Williams, Hendry, Higgins and maybe Selby. I'm thinking Murphy, Trump, Robertson in particular.
  18. Lampard's managerial career starting to resemble Gary Neville's in terms of utter hopelessness.
  19. All of which makes it the ideal response to questioning if you actually were guilty of the thing you are being questioned about. It's more than possible to support independence and not support the SNP. Surely that's been made abundanty clear over and over again in the last few weeks?
  20. 'Sorry I can't recall my husband talking about the £110,000 motorhome parked at my mother in law's house'
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