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Everything posted by sparky88

  1. Exactly the same would apply if a big call centre closed. Manufacturing is no different from any other industry in this regard.
  2. probably because Bragg's question doesn't mean anything- get a job somewhere else or retrain is probably the answer. The service sector is massive, over 70% of people are employed there compare to manufacturing which is less than 10 % iirc (according to 2011 census so itll be lower now). In any case ( this was 5 years ago) Britain was still the 6th biggest manufacturer in the world. It's just completely inefficient to pay a british person £7 an hour to do something that a Chinese person will do for £2 or whatever.
  3. Dugdale dismissing the prospect of the Tories getting more votes than labour in may with laughter looks very foolish.
  4. The difference between keith brown and dugdale sums up the difference between labour and the SNP. Dugdale making an absolute arse of it whilst brown being nothing spectacular but perfectly adequate.
  5. So far I get the feeling dugdale is doing her best not to mention the SNP. She's a fucking disaster though.
  6. Pity the SNP couldn't find anyone apart from the teaboy to put up for question time in Edinburgh.
  7. I suspect the reason joining fees still exist is that the members paid them, so they are unlikely to allow others not to. In general, far too few golf courses see themselves as businesses trying to attract customers.
  8. Has strichener said the safeword yet?
  9. Yes, lib dems don't have any fptp seats in mainland Scotland.
  10. Dugdale said that being a supporter of independence was not incompatible with support for labour. She said it in a speech last week I think- on phone so can't post link. I'd be utterly amazed if anyone joined the labour party because they wanted to preserve the union anyway.
  11. Its no more ridiculous that all but 3 of our mps belong to a party that only half of voters voted for.
  12. don't have one, depends on what their policies are, and their track record. I'd say most of the electorate are like this. Blindly supporting a party's every policy is for mugs.
  13. there was me thinking you'd mention a redistributive tax policy the SNP had implemented at holyrood. My mistake.
  14. they have plenty of left wing policies, that for sure.whether they implement them or not is a different story.
  15. I think the SNP have stolen their thunder tbh. By saying they are to the left of labour they seem to have picked up some of the disillusioned labour supporters who either stopped voting or voted for labour through gritted teeth.
  16. There is no chance theyll take any list seats anywhere.
  17. parties like tusc stood at the last election saying pretty much the same thing about the SNP.
  18. at least theyll be following in the footsteps of syriza in that respect
  19. I was under the impression that the council tax freeze puts no more pressure on services since the shortfall is made up by the Scottish government.
  20. so the same situation as 2007 then?
  21. pretty sure the whole things was brought back to explain that the actor who played Max was taking a break for a year.The Lucy storyline is far better than anything that involves that fucking les and birdie.
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