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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. I thought screw tops were because of a shortage/diseased trees in Portugal? Some stupid % of world cork production comes from there.
  2. the wee black kids real name given as James Bond the third......
  3. Yet no mention from them re how much you are owed from players ie the EBT ''loans''....
  4. Won't need to pre-empt if Rangers do survive without a New-co with the Financial Fair Play regulations They are running at a loss even in administration so no fecking chance of them being in compliance.
  5. You could have just Googled that for an answer
  6. Downloaded Season 1 on the back of this thread and watched it all in 4 days.....bit far fetched at times in terms of, nah, not going to try spoilers , but it is. Does make me want to read the Israeli book on which it says it is based. Would say that if ever there is a biopic of Steve McQueen, Brody is a shoe-in. Ringer.
  7. Fair point. Anyone know how many other tranfers that they are still payments on due further down the line? Could be megabucks to be added as creditors amount
  8. I thought it would only be St. Johnstone that would owe cash to John Deere
  9. With the bids now in, does this mean that Rangers books now get opened up to the bidders for scrutiny or has this already happened? If it hasn't, could be a good pointer if bidders start to pull out from this point onwards!
  10. Stuff that, its the whole gallery of pics from Lingerie Bowl 2012 that is important on that page Edit to add, its the biggest Bowl in the whole of Ireland, I understand...........
  11. No, not a charity, but (potentially) an almighty YES to being a bigger, more corrupt , more anit-competition, more underhand and more black ops company than Rangers couild dream of being. The latest allegations re On-digital and the code hack, leading to the virtual financial collapse of the English lower leagues for their financial gain and wiping out effective competition are stuff that Sir Mint would be proud of, if found true. And I for one quite believe Sky are capable of that. Football is nothing but a cash cow and they couldn't give a shit, especially abbout North of the border.
  12. No, they provide a service, for a price, ie they get more out of it than I would. And I would have to repay it. The players provided what service to recieve this cash from the Trust? And if a loan what repayment period was it over. Interest involved? () And who funded the Trust? Murray Group set it up, but the funding came from where? Thieves, charlatans and scumballs, and this is all before Craigy boy came along.
  13. I remember the Grolsch tops but on Kickers, not trainers. Circa 1982/83.
  14. So, they are remaking the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Martin Bain for, Shredder? Actually, 'Ninja' was used at the start of the credit crunch to denote No Income No Job or Assets.....
  15. Maybe more than you think, as the EBT was a loan and loans are meant to be repaid............
  16. So if the EBT's were loans and not one has been repaid, can Haudit + Co not go after them to get cash back into the club? That would be extra sweet, if they fecked over former 'legends', then still got liquidated when the tax case hits!!!!
  17. Is that cos its an Americanism? Fanny means arse to them, so arseing around to us ?
  18. Commercial is over the road, Edit cos I'm slow....
  19. Steve Macmanamanamanananam complaining how hard it is to pronounce Pogrebnyak.... cawk.
  20. I thought that part of the non-ruling was that they were told they would be ordinary creditors? Or do you mean that as no season tickets have been sold, they are not due cash yet?
  21. bbc Kazakhstans shooting team win a medal in Kuwait and they play Borats version of the anthem during the ceremony..... (sorry dont know how to lift the video on its own).....
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