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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Ffs bennett, as you previously stated they punished the company not the club. The club was already deceased and reformed.
  2. ^^^^^^^ ticked 7 boxes.....put wunf on ignore, all is right.................n
  3. Yeh, swamp had that a few hours ago. Thieves to investigate thieves. Thing is, neither buns nor the rest of us wanted that. It only suits the playaaaahs.
  4. Two months ago and any reference to his blog was instant banning on the bun forums. Now ? He is still the disgraced miner thieving ira lawyer, but he might have some points. 4 years too late. Shame.
  5. Two months ago and any reference to his blog was instant banning on the bun forums. Now ? He is still the disgraced miner thieving ira lawyer, but he might have some points. 4 years too late. Shame.
  6. Okaaaaaay....... "bun" = right wing retard, unionist, loyalist, lover of en@land / en@lish queen, intolerant of any other religion, sense of supremacy/empire/watp, Brit, retard, Uber Protestant (non attending), non taxpayer, whilst maybe not a member of the Orange or Masonic Orders you are sympathetic to both, and finally , retard. Tick the boxes bennett....5 and your a "bun"
  7. As you well know I am a Prod from a long line of prods.....I have stated this often enough. Ergo, it cannot be sectarian Roooooooooon yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeh. The hatred for a "bun" is not sectarian. That would be akin to calling a white person who hated the BNP a rascist.
  8. Jim Jeffreys is not to put too fine a point on it - a bun. As are the hearts club/support as a whole. So much for the coff, ahem, work ethic, if their social/sporting arms can't be ersed with paying bills.... (see airdrie/dundee for confirmation).....
  9. Like a business knowing its folding, yet willing to suck hard on the willy of the next crook to appear promising salvation. Bit like now actually.
  10. Well this uber bun is watchful ... and posted 20 mins ago, so its alright, they are on the case.
  11. It undoubtedly is a close call between them and the sun as to which is the lowest of the slime.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxnotGJocEo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2wW-pUJSLg
  13. [Dammit, think fast] ....even the fallen one with the big boobies? [Not fast enough/]
  14. Pele and Maradona were nicknames though, and Pele should be ruled out through the nickname being after a female, and defo would be part of the Savile enquiry, as would most of the Brasil team of that era.
  15. And off topic but jings, Rory love.......... Which reminds me Eric kitteringham who Rory got for the original Taste lineup died a couple of days ago......
  16. Don't know about Raging Media but the swamps thread on the soundcloud clip is stunning. The bears are literally tearing each other to pieces..... all with a background of Too much alcohol..... Btw Rory was only 22/23 when hendrix gave that quote.....hero.
  17. And the first link below is the 74 Irish tour, which even though I have, will now provide the soundtrack for the rest of the eve...... Hanx
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