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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Let me put it another way - how can a club apply for membership to the SFL when they don't have a name and don't exist? They have not, yet, applied. Everything that has happened to date has been at Doncaster and Regan's bidding (and certain SPL clubs, no doubt).
  2. You must have read on here that Sevco might still be smuggled into the SPL. An application to the SFL would get in the way of that. Sevco have not, yet, applied for entry to the SFL (I think).
  3. That's easy - it gives us one year to fire Doncaster and Regan and then tell them to apply for SFL3.
  4. I really don't want loanees to fill the midfield slots. Our midfield last night was Anderson, Walker, Callachan and Hamill. I was delighted with the contribution of all four but the stand out was Callachan and both he and Anderson deserve extended runs. Loanees can fill the bench.
  5. You can't vote yes and no when you've only got one vote. If you vote no then Rangers are denied a place in the SFL and must apply like everyone else. If you vote yes then you agree to them entering at SFL 3 level but the board will change that for you to SFL 1. By voting yes you also agree to the resignation of Dunfermline or Dundee.
  6. Goodness, this is hard work. I am quite sure that Annan understand the consequences of voting them into Division 3 ie they'll really be voting them into Division 1. Therefore to avoid that they'll vote no, which is the only possible way of getting them into Division 3. Please don't reply. I'm getting tired.
  7. That part of the vote places them in the third division for a nano second, then it's straight into the first with them. So Annan will vote no to them joining the SFL.
  8. That's not how this is going to work. The vote on Friday will be to allow them into the SFL with the proviso that the SFL board be trusted as to where they should be placed. Therefore Annan will, presumably, vote no.
  9. It would appear that the SFA, SPL and SFL are in bed with Rangers - nothing new there, then. John Brown tells all and sundry that he's seen a document that places Rangers in Division 1 and this is followed by McCoist's lofty words the other day accepting life in SFL3. Fits the Rangers' mantle - why tell the truth when a lie will do.
  10. You've got two simple choices: 1. Stand up like a man and fight them. 2. Roll over and watch fixed football in Scotland for the rest of your days.
  11. I truly hope it is breaking the rules and that UEFA get involved. Longmuir, Doncaster and Regan should be lined up and shot.
  12. Tweets from bbcsportsound: 1. Please remove old media and Scottish football killer JimTraynor from my ears. He's ugly, even on radio. 2. Is there a Mrs Traynor? What a miserable existence she mustlive.
  13. Any reconstruction should not be on the table just now - we have Newco to deal with and less than 4 weeks to kick off. Send them to division 3 or admit Spartans and give them a year out.
  14. Don't think so. There'll be a massive drop in attendances at all levels if Rangers are in the SPL or 1st.
  15. My view is that this is bigger than the club. If a new club are allowed entry into division 1 then that would mean one rule for that new club (and Celtic, probably) and another for everyone else. For that reason I would no longer wish to be a part of Scottish football. I can't even see their right to entry into the third division, given that every other applicant must produce three years of audited accounts. Every criminal must face some sort of punishment. One year in division 1 followed by probable promotion to the SPL makes a mockery of any justice system after more than ten years of cheating. More importantly, it would make the SFA one of the most corrupt footballing bodies in the world. Want to be a part of that?
  16. I have a season ticket but I won't be going back to Starks if Rangers are in our league.
  17. Do you get the fact that they might not get enough votes for entry into the third?
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